Nursing student working with a patient.


Pursue a nursing degree at Assumption and obtain a strong liberal arts and nursing science education that prepares you to act with clinical judgment, communicate effectively, and make ethical decisions that respect the fundamental dignity of every human person.

The Froelich School of Nursing cultivates an intellectual community committed to preparing leaders in the delivery of safe, high-quality, and compassionate professional nursing practice. Graduates are prepared, in accordance with the principles of Catholic healthcare ethics, to care for, serve, and promote the health of society. A contemporary nursing curriculum built on a strong foundation of the liberal arts and sciences prepares the nursing student to be a leader and provider of high-quality compassionate patient-centered care. Active classroom learning coupled with strong clinical placements prepare the students for a rewarding career.

Nursing Student Learning Outcomes

  • Synthesize concepts and theories from the liberal arts and science education rooted in the Catholic intellectual tradition and Catholic health care ethics to guide professional nursing practice.
  • Integrate concepts of safety and quality improvement in the practice of professional nursing within a healthcare system.
  • Appraise evidence to support clinical decisions throughout the nursing process.
  • Incorporate information systems and healthcare technologies throughout the nursing process.
  • Examine the impact of socio-economic, cultural, spiritual, legal, ethical, and political factors influencing healthcare and professional nursing practice.
  • Collaborate with patients, families, populations, and the interprofessional healthcare team by selecting appropriate communication strategies.
  • Select evidence-based health promotion and health maintenance strategies to maximize health and minimize risk to patients, families, and populations.
  • Examine a variety of health determinants when planning, implementing, and evaluating nursing care of patients, families, and populations.
  • Demonstrate characteristics and behaviors consistent with the professional standards of moral, ethical, and legal practice in professional nursing.

The Froelich School of Nursing has Full Approval from the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing (
The baccalaureate degree program in nursing at Assumption University is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (
The Assumption University Froelich School of Nursing is a member of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), the National League for Nursing (NLN) and the Massachusetts Association of Colleges of Nursing (MACN)

Explore the Facilities of the Froelich School of Nursing 


May 16
Froelich School of Nursing Pinning Ceremony 2025
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Curtis Performance Hall, Tsotsis Family Academic Center, Assumption University

Number of Graduates in the Class of 2023
Class of 2024 First time NCLEX-RN® writer pass rate
Class of 2023 job placement within three months of graduation

Learn More about the Traditional Track

  • The Froelich School of Nursing program plan consists of 127 total credits. 71 credits include the Core Curriculum Program and required science courses. There are 56 credits designated to the nursing course sequence. This Core Curriculum Program applies to the classes of 2024, 2025, and 2026 only. Students completing the course requirements in the Froelich School of Nursing program plan will receive a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing with a minor in Biology.

    Core Curriculum Program Requirements
    (Sem) ENG 130 English Composition
    (Sem) LTC 140, CLT 140, any Foreign Lang 204 Introduction to Literature, Classical Emphasis
    (Sem) PHI 100 Socrates and the Search for Truth
    (Sem) PHI 151 Ethics and the Good Life
    (Sem) THE 100 Introduction to Theology
    (Sem) THE 150, 151, or 153 The Problem of God, Faith and Reason, OR Revelation Ancient and Modern
    (SRQ) ECO 115/ PSY 224/ SOC 300 Statistics
    (SRQ) BIO 110* Nutrition
    History Requirement
    (CE) Global Awareness
    (PS) HRS 121* Human Development and Disabilities Across the Lifespan
    Second Social Science Requirement
    (CE) Fine Arts
    (CE) Foreign Language
    Great Conversation
    (GC) PHI 262 (Pre-req PHI 151) or (GC) THE 341 Biomedical Ethics or Moral Issues in Medicine
    Math 114 or Higher
    Pre-requisite Curriculum
    BIO 105* Human Heredity
    BIO 160* Concepts in Biology
    BIO 240* Anatomy (with lab)
    BIO 250* Microbiology (with lab)
    BIO 370* (Pre-req BIO 240) Physiology (with lab)
    CHE 102 Chemistry Fundamentals for Health Science
    HSC 100* Systems Approach to Delivering Healthcare in America
    Nursing Curriculum
    NUR 100 Introduction to Professional Nursing
    NUR 200/201 Fundamentals of Professional Nursing/Clinical
    NUR 204 Pathpharmacological Processes
    NUR 210 Professional Nursing Concepts
    NUR 300/301 Professional Nursing/Clinical
    NUR 304 Pathopharmacological Therapeutics
    NUR 312/313 Professional Nursing: Promoting Mental Health/Clinical
    NUR 310 Evidence-based Nursing Practice
    NUR 400/401 Complexities of Professional Nursing/Clinical
    NUR 410 Clinical Judgment Seminar
    NUR 412/413 Professional Nursing: Global Public Health/ Clinical
    NUR 420/421 Professional Nursing: Promoting Family Health/ Clinical
    NUR 490/491 Transition to Professional Nursing Practice/Clinical

    *Course requires a grade of B- or higher.


    For the Class of 2027 and external transfer students, the Froelich School of Nursing consists of 127 total credits, 71 credits include the Foundations Program, the pre-requisite courses required for the nursing program, six total credits of elective courses, and 56 nursing course credits.

    Cornerstone Courses
    ENG 130 English Composition
    LTE 140 Literature
    THE 100 Introduction to Theology
    Second Theology
    PHI 100 Socrates and the Search for Truth
    PHI 151 Ethics

    Pillar Courses
    HRS 121 Human Development and Disability Across the Lifespan (social science pillar)
    100-level History Course (history pillar)
    BIO 160 with lab Concepts of Biology (natural science pillar)
    MAT 114 or higher based on placement (math pillar)
    Foreign Language at placement (language culture and expression pillar)
    Fine Art or Music course (language culture and expression pillar)

    Two three-credit course electives

    HSC 100 Systems Approach to Delivering Health Care in America.
    CHE 102 Chemistry Fundamentals for Health Sciences
    BIO 105 Human Heredity
    BIO 240 Anatomy (with lab)
    BIO 250 Microbiology (with lab)
    BIO 370 General Physiology (with lab)

    Nursing Curriculum

    NUR 100 Introduction to Professional Nursing
    NUR 200/201 Fundamentals of Professional Nursing/Clinical
    NUR 204 Pathpharmacological Processes
    NUR 210 Professional Nursing Concepts
    NUR 300/301 Professional Nursing/Clinical
    NUR 304 Pathopharmacological Therapeutics
    NUR 312/313 Professional Nursing: Promoting Mental Health/Clinical
    NUR 310 Evidence-based Nursing Practice
    NUR 400/401 Complexities of Professional Nursing/Clinical
    NUR 410 Clinical Judgment Seminar
    NUR 412/413 Professional Nursing: Global Public Health/ Clinical
    NUR 420/421 Professional Nursing: Promoting Family Health/ Clinical
    NUR 490/491 Transition to Professional Nursing Practice/Clinical

  • The student is eligible to graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree, when all of the requirements of Assumption University are met; the student has successfully completed 127 credits according to the School of Nursing curriculum standards; and 56 credits designated as NUR are successfully completed with a minimum GPA of 2.7 (B-).

  • Students graduating from the Assumption University Froelich School of Nursing will meet the requirements necessary to apply for licensure in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Assumption University Nursing Students will apply to the Massachusetts (MA) Board of Registration in Nursing for eligibility to sit for the NCLEX-RN. Compliance with the Good Moral Character, as defined by state law (Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 112, sections 74, 74A, and 76), and determined by the Board’s policy on Determination of Good Moral Character Compliance (Licensure Policy 00-01) and a payment fee provides eligibility for licensure. Passing the NCLEX-RN is required for licensure in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

    Passing the NCLEX-RN is a licensure requirement in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. Territories. Individual states may have additional licensure requirements, including, but not limited to, the number of required clinical hours, specific courses/course content in a nursing program, documentation verifying citizenship, background checks, and fingerprinting. Assumption University Froelich School of Nursing has not yet made a determination of whether our school’s nursing program’s curriculum meets the educational requirements for licensure in the remaining 49 states, District of Columbia or U.S. Territories. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the licensure awarding agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the Assumption University Froelich School of Nursing program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state.

    Need assistance finding professional nursing licensure requirements in Massachusetts?

    For licensure outside of MA, visit the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.

  • The Froelich School of Nursing is a direct admit program. Applications that meet the following minimum Froelich School of Nursing requirements will be read for admission. In addition to the University requirements, the minimum criteria required for the Froelich School of Nursing includes the following:

    1. Minimum QPA in Core Math and Science Courses of 3.0. Core math courses include Algebra, Geometry, Pre-calculus, Calculus, and Statistics; and Core Science Courses include Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy, and Physiology.
    2. A high school transcript documenting the completion of three years of Core science courses (as defined above).
    3. An application ready for review includes the following:
      • Completed Common Application.
      • Completed Froelich School of Nursing specific essay question located in the Common Application.
      • Submission of a Letter of Recommendation from a high school counselor or teacher.
      • Submission of High School Transcript.

    Learn more about application deadlines and requirements.

  • The Froelich School of Nursing will accept change of major applications based on seat availability. Please contact the Professional Practice Coordinator prior to applying.

    Change of Major FAQs 

    Change of Major Cover Sheet, Fall Seats 

    Change of Major Cover Sheet, Spring Seats 

    Faculty Letter of Recommendation Template 

    Change of Major Information Session Presentation

  • View Tuition and Fees

    *Please note there are Froelich School of Nursing-specific fees listed at the bottom of the Tuition and Fees page.

  • All written complaints from the community of interest, including but not limited to those that are received from contracted clinical agencies, the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing and Froelich School of Nursing alumni will be directed to the Dean of the Froelich School of Nursing for resolution. Within 48 business hours of receiving this written complaint, the Dean of the Froelich School of Nursing will contact the individual and schedule a meeting. The Dean will maintain detailed notes of the meeting, including the decision made to address the issue of complaint. If the individual is unsatisfied with the resolution, they will be instructed to submit a formal complaint to the Assumption University Office of the Provost.

  • External Transfer Applications

    Students enrolled in another institution of higher education (home institution) will follow the process outlined on the Assumption University website.

    Only completed applications will be reviewed by the Froelich School of Nursing Student Affairs Committee. At a minimum, this includes:

    1. A completed Common Application, including a personal statement about your college education and why attending Assumption University and the Froelich School of Nursing will be of value to you,
    2. Official College transcript. Students who have earned 14 credits or less should submit their final, official high school transcript,
    3. A completed College Official’s Report. A student with a documented disciplinary action may be asked to meet with the Dean of Nursing before an application decision is made,
    4. A letter of recommendation from a college professor or college administrator from the home institution,
    5. A current Progress Report for Transfer Applications, if required.


    There will be no deadline extensions. Minimum criteria for admission into the Froelich School of Nursing include the following:
    1. Overall GPA of 3.2 or higher at the home institution;
    2. Completion of at least one Biology course with a final course grade of B- or greater;
    3. Completion of a College Level Algebra course or higher;
    4. Completion of at least one 100-level English Composition or Literature course.

    Completed applications will be reviewed according to pre-determined weighed criteria (Appendix B) and applicants will be offered a seat according to the rank order and at the recommendation of the Froelich School of Nursing Faculty Assembly Student Affairs Committee. The Committee reserves the right not to fill all open seats.

    Students are made aware that all students educated at Assumption University must meet the Foundations Program requirements, the Nursing Program pre-requisite courses, and all Nursing (NUR) courses. This list of required courses is available at Transfer equivalencies and final number of credits accepted in transfer will be made by the registrar’s office through a credit audit process. Of note, ALL NUR prefix courses must be earned at Assumption University. Transfer credits for Nursing classes will not be accepted. A program plan of study, specific to the applicant will accompany an acceptance letter. The Froelich School of Nursing will not provide program plans to the applicant prior to the committee decision as the credit audit process must be completed by the registrar’s office.


Katelyn Adams, MSN, RN
Adjunct Faculty Nursing
Joanna Bachour, MSN, RN
Assistant Professor of Practice
Zareen Barry, PhD, RN, MPH, FNP-BC
Assistant Professor of Practice
Heather L. Briere, PhD, RN, FNP-BC, CCM
Assistant Professor of Practice
Jennifer Concapetit
Adjunct Nursing Faculty
Alicia de Oliveira, MSN, MHS, RN
Assistant Professor of Practice
Lindsay A. Guertin, MSN, RN, CNE, CNEcl, CHSE
Assistant Professor of Practice
Michael Hatch
Adjunct Nursing Faculty
Courtney Orelup-Fitzgerald, PhD, RN, CNE, CPN
Assistant Professor of Nursing Department Chair
Donna Pappazian, CNM, RN
Adjunct Faculty
Julia Patrick, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor of Practice
Lisa A. Ryan, RN
Adjunct Faculty Nursing
Danielle Shaver, PhDc, RN, CNE, IBCLC-R
Assistant Professor of Practice
Stephanie Smith, RN
Adjunct Faculty Nursing


Michele Aubin

Professional Practice Coordinator in Nursing

Christina Howard, RN

Clinical Practice Coordinator

First-rate Academics in a Catholic University Setting

Assumption University awakens in students a sense of wonder, discovery, and purpose, forming graduates known for their intellectual seriousness, thoughtful citizenship, and devotion to the common good. Students are provided an education that shapes their souls, forms them intellectually, and prepares them for meaningful careers. Enlivened by the harmony of faith and reason, here, students’ minds and hearts are transformed.

Assumption is dedicated to providing a clear understanding of what your education will cost

We’ll help cut through the complexity of financing your education, ensuring you understand what you need, how to apply for aid, and what’s expected of you. You will be assigned a personal financial aid advisor who will guide you through the process and answer all of your financial aid-related questions.

The Catrambone Health Sciences Building

Assumption's 41,000-square foot building features four classrooms, one for 32 students, two for 48 and a large tiered classroom for 50. These classrooms are not only used for the nursing and physician assistant program, rather all academic programs on campus. Each classroom is fully equipped with a recording system for simulations that are used during debriefings. The nursing floor features a spacious nursing skills lab with seven full-sized hospital beds for teaching proper patient care. Four simulation labs have hi-fidelity mannequins which simulate actual patient conditions (vitals, seizures, cardiac arrest, childbirth, etc) remotely controlled by faculty.

Programs Related to Nursing



Health Sciences


Human Services
