Group of students sitting around a circle table.

Build the Foundation for a transformative education, a meaningful career, and a fulfilling life.

The Foundations Program will provide you with a Catholic liberal arts education that prepares you for thoughtful and meaningful engagement with your majors and minors, your co-curricular activities, your careers, and your lives more broadly. Enlivened by the Catholic affirmation of the harmony of faith and reason, Foundations will immerse you in multiple modes of inquiry as you boldly seek the true, the good, and the beautiful wherever they can be found. By encouraging you to pursue truth in the company of friends, Foundations will help you develop academically, emotionally, personally, and spiritually. In these ways, the Foundations Program will further Assumption University’s mission of forming you into a person known for intellectual seriousness, thoughtful citizenship, and devotion to the common good.

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Why our students love foundations

Harrison Puntillo
Harrison Puntillo

Class of 2027, Cybersecurity major

“I have had many important conversations about humanity and how we interact with the world. The Foundations Program has allowed me to discuss questions that I never would have explored on my own. Why is the meaning of beauty important? What things in life truly make people happy? What does it mean to be human?”

Experience the dynamic interplay between foundations and our majors and minors

Program Contact

Marc D. Guerra, Ph.D

Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Professor of Theology

Forum courses build on Cornerstone and Pillar courses by giving you the opportunity to pursue your studies beyond the introductory level in a discipline that you find especially fascinating. In your Forum course, you will examine an enduring question and/or formative debate that has shaped a particular discipline in order to develop a deeper appreciation of this discipline’s nature and its significance within the modern world.

The Social and Historical Pillar will help you to situate human behavior within its historical and social contexts, empowering you to further understand the value and diversity of human experience.

The Quantitative and Scientific Pillar will provide you with a mathematical foundation and an understanding of scientific inquiry, enabling you to appreciate the value of mathematics and the natural sciences as human activities.

The Language, Culture and Expression Pillar will lead you in an exploration of patterns of meaning in languages, cultures, and the arts, helping you cultivate mutual understanding and a sense of the diversity and beauty of human expression.

In Cornerstone courses, you will engage in thoughtful reflection about weighty human concerns by examining literary, philosophical, and theological investigations of the human condition. Cornerstone courses place special emphasis on helping you develop the arts of reading, writing, thinking, and conversing.