Members of the Assumption community in El Paso, Texas, in 2024.


2023-2024 Assumption by the Numbers

  • Total Fees and Taxes Paid to the City of Worcester: $412,953

    Water and Sewage Taxes: $333,347

    Property Taxes: $63,290

    Police Department Coverage Costs: $5,808

    Fire Department Detail Costs: $1,296

    Other Fees: $9,212

    Including: parking lot licenses, certificates of inspection, plumbing fees, liquor licenses, filing fees, food permits, pool permits, lodging fees, and camp fees

  • Number of students from Worcester County: 711

    Number of students from the City of Worcester: 227

    Amount of Institutional aid to students from the City of Worcester: $4,949,042

    Amount of institutional aid to students from Worcester County (including City of Worcester): $16,394,217

    Undergraduates who receive some form of financial aid: 99%

  • Annual payroll for employees residing in the City of Worcester: $7,206,400

    Annual payroll for employees residing in Worcester County (excluding Worcester): $11,387,999

    Number of faculty/staff living in the City of Worcester and surrounding communities: 230

  • Total capital expenditures paid to vendors in Worcester County (including the City of Worcester): $2,255,237

    Total capital expenditures paid to vendors in the City of Worcester: $1,496,150

    Total capital expenditures paid to vendors in Massachusetts (including the City of Worcester and Worcester County): $4,305,399

    Total capital expenditures paid to vendors in Worcester County over the last 10 years: $69,947,100

    Total purchasing expenditures paid to vendors in the City of Worcester: $2,063,469

    Total purchasing expenditures paid to vendors in Worcester County (including the City of Worcester): $3,181,447

    Total purchasing expenditures paid to vendors in Massachusetts (including the City of Worcester and Worcester County): $13,138,587

Community Contributions

ASPIRE program at a WooSox game

$145,000 in Partnerships

Annual Commitments and Partnerships to the Hanover Theatre, Worcester Red Sox, Worcester Railers, and the DCU Center.

Assumption students doing community service

140,000+ Hours of Service

Amount of time Assumption students have spent serving in communities across Worcester County and Massachusetts through internships, practicums, and more.

Students and faculty preparing a meal at Holy Family Shelter.

32 Locations Supported

Number of establishments that have benefitted from the service of Assumption students through direct volunteering, both inside and outside the classroom.

Campus Community Service Groups

Reach Out Center

The Reach Out Center partners with a variety of different clubs and groups on Assumption’s campus to help improve the lives of those in the Worcester Community. The groups within the Reach Out Center include Best Buddies, GreenHounds, Second-Hand Hounds, Habitat for Humanity, and Big Brother Big Sister. These clubs and groups participate in a number of activities from helping to build houses around Worcester to working to make Assumption more sustainable and eco-friendly.

Assumption Athletics and Recreation

Students from Assumption’s Athletics and Recreation Center participate in various volunteering and community service. From the Baseball team helping out at Little Leagues, to the Football team volunteering at reading days at local schools, and to the Cheerleading team helping with gardening and cleaning at community locations, Assumption’s students dedicate their time to their communities in a variety of ways.

Campus Ministry

Inspired by Catholic teaching, Campus Ministry offers opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to support communities both near and far away. Week long service and immersion trips, called SEND trips, allow Assumption community members to participate in ministry in diverse settings. These trips allow students to grow in faith and spirit through reflection and experience. Outside of service trips, students may also help to lead retreats for local Worcester high schoolers. 

Community Service Learning

Many courses at Assumption include Community Service Learning (CSL), allowing students to receive hands-on training and experience in the fields that mean the most to them while also providing important assistance to our local community. Through CSL classes, students experience a unique opportunity to participate in and learn about the complexity of the social, economic, political, and cultural world and to think in original ways about the substantive problems in society.

Student Government Assoiciation

The Student Government Association (SGA) advocates for the entire student body, enhancing their college experience; however, that is not where their influence stops. These students also drive change outside Assumption’s campus, from running book and coat donation drives for students in need to participating in Working for Worcester each year. 

A Commitment to Our Veterans

Assumption, a Top Ten in the U.S. Gold Military Friendly and a Yellow Ribbon institution, is an ardent supporter of military veterans, active service members, and their families.

2024 Veterans Day Ceremony


Feb 11
Domenic Esposito | Amplifying Your Voice with Art
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
La Maison Salon
Feb 19
The 2025 Michael True Memorial Poetry Reading with Edgar Kunz
7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Curtis Performance Hall, Tsotsis Family Academic Center, Assumption University
Feb 26
Conversations with AU Authors
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Curtis Performance Hall, Tsotsis Family Academic Center, Assumption University


2022-2023 Community Benefits Report

Assumption graduates are known in the Worcester community for far more than just their intelligence. Through experiential learning and impactful service on campus, Assumption students become compassionate citizens with a deep empathy for the communities around them. As a community, Assumption seeks to help those in need, whether it be through life-long learning or benevolent healthcare. When our community thrives, we thrive too.

2021-2022 Community Benefits Report

Assumption students, staff and faculty have made an impact in nearly every Worcester neighborhood. In just the last academic year alone, Assumption students volunteered more than 100,000+ hours in service to the people, neighborhoods and organizations in Worcester. If asked to place a dollar amount on the contributions the inatitution makes to the city through service, such a figure would easily number in the millions.

2018-2019 Community Benefits Report

Regardless of a student’s chosen major at Assumption, inextricably weaved throughout all academic disciplines – and many co-curricular programs – is the importance of engagement within one’s community. At Assumption, we shape students into being the best individuals and leaders that they can be; to set forth their innate passions to positively impact the world.

2017-2018 Community Benefits Report

The formation of Assumption students begins with imparting upon them a sense of purpose; to use their gifts and knowledge not only to advance a career, but also to make meaningful contributions to the world in which they live, in particular to those in the greatest of need. Through a number of endeavors that teach students the importance of thoughtful citizenship and compassionate service, Assumption students can be found in many areas of the city of Worcester applying their talents in service of others.

2016-2017 Community Benefits Report

Assumption students, staff and faculty have made an impact in nearly every Worcester neighborhood. In just the last academic year alone, Assumption students volunteered more than 135,000 hours in service to the people, neighborhoods and organizations in Worcester. If asked to place a dollar amount on the contributions the inatitution makes to the city through service, such a figure would easily number in the millions.

2015-2016 Community Benefits Report

How do we define success? Is it defined by the accumulation of wealth, in the accumulation of prestige, or does it mean something deeper – something much more important? Here at Assumption, we believe success means a life well-lived, a life that is guided by a dedication to one’s fellow men and women. Success is measured not by what we gain, but what we can provide to others.

2013-2014 Community Benefits Report

To Fr. Emmanuel d’Alzon, the founder of the Assumptionist order, an education was not simply a path to personal gain – its fruits were to be shared with everyone. It was not enough to succeed on one’s own, it was imperative that one also help others succeed. Today, Assumption is proud to continue this rich educational philosophy of Fr. d’Alzon. We believe that a well-lived life is one that sparks a light that illuminates the world and that service to others is a hallowed obligation we are privileged to undertake, a lesson we aspire to instill in our students.