Sep 03, 2019
Office of Communications

Prof. Cavanagh Examines Online Tribalism in New Book

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Sarah Rose Cavanagh, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology and associate director for grants and research for the Center for Teaching Excellence at Assumption, has published a new book, Hivemind: The New Science of Tribalism in Our Divided World (Grand Central Publishing). According to the publisher’s website, the book is a “provocative look at how communities can sync up around shared ideas, and how this hive mentality is contributing to today’s polarized times.” 

Though seeking out individuals and social groups of shared tastes is nothing new, in her book, Prof. Cavanagh addresses “what happens when we only socialize with our chosen group, to the point that we lose the ability to connect to people who don’t share our passions? What happens when our tribes merely confirm our world view, rather than expand it?” Using “compelling storytelling and shocking research.” Prof. Cavanagh proposes solutions on how we can “cut through our online tribalism.”

Prof. Cavanagh is also the author of The Spark of Learning: Energizing the College Classroom with the Science of Emotion and has contributed to publications like Motherboard and Darling Magazine. Her research focuses on affective science, specifically emotion regulation and mood and anxiety disorders. 

Prof. Cavanagh’s book is available now.  Read a recent review that appeared in The Chicago Tribune here