Provost Greg Weiner to Present Lecture on the Politics of Prudence

Greg Weiner, Ph.D., provost and academic vice president at Assumption, will deliver a lecture based on his new book Old Whigs at American Enterprise Institute (AEI) in Washington, D.C., on November 25. This fall, Provost Weiner was chosen to serve as a part-time visiting scholar for the Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies Research Division at AEI.
Provost Weiner’s lecture, entitled “‘Old Whigs’ and Prudence Today,” will examine his recently releases book, Old Whigs: Burke, Lincoln, and the Politics of Prudence (Encounter Books, 2019) and will be followed by a panel discussion regarding Burke, Lincoln, and how best to seek a place for prudence in statecraft today.
In his book, Provost Weiner explores different notions of prudence through the lives of two great statesmen — Edmund Burke and Abraham Lincoln — to find the common ground that allowed them to define themselves as “old Whigs.” He argues that it is in examining Burke and Lincoln that we may find the resources needed to revive the politics of prudence in our own fraught political environment.
As a visiting scholar, Provost Weiner’s affiliation with AEI allows him to participate in AEI programs such as this lecture event, while also receiving support for and dissemination of his scholarly research. He is the author of several books and frequently writes for distinguished publications such as The New York Times and The Washington Post, among others.
Prior to his appointment as provost, effective July 1, he was an associate professor of political science since 2011. Provost Weiner has a bachelor’s degree in government from the University of Texas at Austin, a master’s degree in liberal studies as well as a Ph.D. in government, both from Georgetown University.