Hound of the Week: Jillian Geyster ’20

Congratulations to our next Hound of the Week, Jillian Geyster ’20! Jillian is an elementary education & history major from Phillipston, MA who loves giving back to the Assumption community. Having been involved at Assumption since her freshman year, Jill has served as SGA Senator, Heights Yearbook Editor, Worcester Student Government Association (WGSA) President for the 19-20 school year, and VP for WSGA from 18-19.
Jill loves the city of Worcester, and wants to see its potential and also be able to connect college students to the city. Jillian is passionate about learning and teaching, and this shines through by being able to work in an elementary school classroom a couple of times a week to work directly with students, an opportunity that Assumption set up for her. “Assumption has impacted my life by allowing me to live and grow in the Assumption community and city of Worcester. Assumption has given me so many opportunities that I’m so thankful for. Assumption has prepared me to be the best teacher I can be, and I am very grateful for the education department faculty and the partnering schools in the Worcester area.