Apr 24, 2019
Katelynn Rosa

Hound of the Week: Alaina Kendrick ’19

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Congratulations to our next hound of the week, Alaina Kendrick ‘19! Alaina is an accounting major from Wethersfield, CT and is involved in a large variety of activities both on and off Assumption’s campus. Some of these activities include: being a member of the Human Services Club and the Student Philanthropy Club, working in the University Advancement office as a Phonathon caller, studying abroad at Assumption’s Rome campus during Fall 2017, attending multiple SEND trips and START retreats with the Reach Out Center and Campus Ministry, having 2 internships with Travelers Insurance Company in Hartford, CT as a Billing Analytics and Personal Insurance Finance intern, and a variety of volunteering opportunities off-campus. “It is important for me to be involved on and off campus because it has taught me more lessons than I could have imagined about myself and others. Being involved in a strong community has helped me grow as a person and has provided me with endless resources. I have come to realize that while academics are important, taking advantage of the vast opportunities that Assumption offers and those in my own community have shaped me into who I am today. I have been fortunate enough to develop essential skills like leadership, communication, resilience, hard work, and more from the different positions I have had, activities I have participated in, and clubs I have been a part of. I continue to use these skills today and will implement them in my future endeavors.”

Alaina has many passions, specifically in business, creating and maintaining strong relationships, helping others, and traveling. Alaina has plans to stay at Assumption and complete her MBA in Accelerated Accounting Program and is currently pursuing her CPA. “Assumption has positively impacted my life in more ways than I can describe. It has prepared me for the real world by providing me with the necessary skills and resources to succeed in my future career and personal life. It has taught me to think for myself, take advantage of every opportunity, take risks, learn from my mistakes, and always strive to be a better version of myself. I can confidently say that I am a better, more well-rounded and independent person as my undergrad at Assumption soon comes to an end.”