Assumption Ranked as a Top Online College in Massachusetts

Assumption has been named among The Best Online Colleges for 2018 by The Best Schools (TBS) ranking organization. Assumption was recognized in the top 20 in Massachusetts, including top 10 in Worcester, for its online degree offerings.
According to TBS, in the last decade “online colleges have grown in number, with many state universities and other reputable colleges and universities now offering online degrees.” The organization’s website states that their top online colleges and universities in Massachusetts were selected “based on the quality of their programs, types of courses and degrees offered, faculty strengths, as well as school awards, rankings, and reputation, including a strong reputation for online degree programs.”
Assumption provides three associate and four bachelor’s programs online, including human services and rehabilitation studies, business administration, social sciences, and humanities, which provides a variety of concentrations. Human services and rehabilitation studies is the only program without an associate degree option online, however, fully online certificates are provided in digital marketing, medical coding and billing, aging services, as well as alcohol and substance abuse counseling. In 2017, Assumption’s online master’s degree in substance abuse counseling was ranked by TBS as the sixth best in the country in the Best Online Masters in Substance Abuse Counseling Degree Programs list.
The goal of The Best Schools is “to provide the best resources and advice to assist learners through every step of their education, into their careers, and toward sustainable lifelong learning.”