Assumption and Notre Dame Partner to offer Arts and Engineering Degrees

Assumption has entered into an array of academic agreements with colleges and universities across the nation that enable Assumption students to receive undergraduate course credits, earn concurrent degrees in arts and engineering and/or be accepted into in highly competitive graduate programs. These agreements offer eligible Assumption students many valuable opportunities for guaranteed admission and/or accelerated degrees or intensive scientific study.
Most recently, Assumption signed an agreement with the University of Notre Dame to offer a rigorous five-year “3:2 program” leading to a bachelor of arts degree from Assumption and a bachelor of science in engineering from Notre Dame. The 3:2 dual-degree program means students spend their first three years at Assumption, followed by two years at Notre Dame in Indiana, while earning complementary undergraduate liberal arts and engineering degrees in science, technology, engineering or mathematics, the traditional STEM disciplines.
“Students in the new 3:2 program will earn bachelor of arts degrees with majors in chemistry, environmental science, mathematics or computer science at Assumption and bachelor of science degrees in chemical, environmental, computer, aerospace, civil, electrical or mechanical engineering from Notre Dame,” said Steven Theroux, a biology professor at Assumption. “During their three years on our campus, they will complete their general education requirements and most or all of the requirements for their Assumption major, depending on their major and the engineering discipline they intend to study at Notre Dame.”
Upon successful completion of both their first year of study at Notre Dame and Assumption’s graduation requirements, students in the 3:2 program will earn a bachelor of arts degree from Assumption. After successfully completing their second year at Notre Dame and its graduation requirements, students will earn a bachelor of science degree in engineering from the University of Notre Dame.
This program is designed to provide students with a strong liberal arts education in the sciences or mathematics at Assumption, as well as opportunities to earn degrees in engineering at one of the nation’s leading engineering universities.
“This is a rigorous program, and it requires intensive study in science, mathematics and engineering,” Theroux said. “Students must be accepted into the program, complete a specified curriculum at Assumption, earn a G.P.A. of 3.3 or higher, and receive a letter of recommendation from the department chair in their major. It’s a tremendous opportunity for students with very well-defined interests in STEM disciplines.”
Assumption students who successfully complete the requirements of the program are automatically accepted into the Notre Dame Engineering Program. Accepted students are eligible for financial aid from Assumption during their first three years of study, and they are eligible for financial assistance from the University of Notre Dame during their last two years in the program.
“The liberal-arts-infused engineering education acquired in the 3:2 dual-degree program will make those graduates very competitive in the job market or for admission to graduate school,” Theroux added.
In addition to partnering with Notre Dame on the engineering degree program, Assumption has signed articulation agreements with Duke University for undergraduate and graduate degrees in environmental science, including marine science, Duquesne University Law School, Northeastern University in biotechnology and the health professions, and with the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, among other regional and national colleges and universities.