Partner College Opportunities
Admission Deadline
Early Action 1 – November 1
Early Decision (binding) – November 15
Early Action 2 – December 1
Regular Decision – Priority Deadline: April 1 (after April 1, applications for admission are accepted on a rolling basis)
Articulation Agreements
Assumption University has developed agreements with universities that enable Assumption students to receive undergraduate course credits and/or go on to highly regarded graduate programs. These agreements offer our students numerous opportunities for guaranteed admission and/or accelerated degrees or intensive study.
Please scroll down for more information on several of the academic partnerships for Assumption students.
B.A. or B.S. Assumption University/Master of Science in Athletic Training Southern Connecticut State University
Assumption University and Southern Connecticut State University offer a program that leads to a Bachelor’s degree from Assumption and a Master’s degree in Athletic Training from Southern Connecticut State. To qualify for consideration, the student must have a 3.0 GPA and at least C- in all prerequisite coursework.
For more information, please contact Prof. Steven Theroux.
B.A. or B.S./Master of Science (M.S.) in Exercise Science
American International College
American International College will reserve two seats for qualified Assumption University students who want to earn an M.S. in Exercise Science with a Concentration in Strength and Conditioning. To qualify for admission the student must earn a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, and a 3.0 or higher in the prerequisite courses. The student must also complete the requirements for a major in Health Science with a Concentration in Pre-clinical studies, or Biology, or Biology with a Concentration in Neuroscience, or Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, or Chemistry, prior to matriculation at AIC.
B.A. or B.S./M.S in Allied Health Professions
Northeastern University
Northeastern University will waive the application fee and the GRE requirement for qualified Assumption University students interested in pursuing graduate degrees in pharmaceutical science, physician assistant studies, exercise physiology, school counseling, health informatics, and public health. To be eligible, students must earn a GPA of 3.2 or higher.
B.A.or B.S./Masters of Science in Biotechnology (M.S.B.) or a Masters of Science in Bioinformatics
Northeastern University Graduate School Program
Assumption University and Northeastern University have agreed to collaborate in order to offer Assumption students the opportunity to earn a B.S. in Biotechnology and Molecular Biology or a B.S. in Biology at Assumption University and an M.S. in Biotechnology or an M.S. in Bioinformatics at Northeastern University.
To be eligible for admission to this program, a student must be a Biology or Biotechnology and Molecular Biology major at Assumption, and they must have completed at least 60 credits, but not more than 100 credits, of their undergraduate program. Consequently, a student will typically apply for admission to the Northeastern M.S. program at the end of their sophomore year. To initiate the application process, the student should contact Professor Steven Theroux.
Upon being accepted into the program, the student will be allowed to complete up to 12 graduate credits at Northeastern during their junior and senior years at Assumption. These credits will count toward the student’s undergraduate degree at Assumption and their graduate degree at Northeastern.
Since the courses the students take at Northeastern count towards both their undergraduate and graduate degrees, individuals within this program can typically finish the Northeastern Masters degree at an accelerated rate, and upon graduation from Assumption, Northeastern allows students in this program up to three years to finish their Masters degree coursework.
The grades earned within this program at Northeastern will be part of the student’s undergraduate GPA, and they will also count towards the student’s eligibility to enroll at Assumption with full-time status. In addition, the grades earned at Northeastern will be used in the calculation of the student’s graduate GPA.
There is an additional fee that will be billed for the courses a student takes at Northeastern, and in order to have the courses count toward their undergraduate degree, students in the program must notify the Assumption Program Director, Prof. Steven Theroux, when they register for their Northeastern courses.
B.A. or B.S./Professional Science Master’s Degree in Biotechnology (P.S.M.)
Framingham State University
This is an accelerated 4+1 masters program. Normally, the completion of these two programs takes six years. The dual degree student combines four years of training in the liberal arts and biotechnology and molecular biology at Assumption University with one year of graduate instruction in biological science, business, and the regulatory science of biotechnology at Framingham State University. This program provides students with an opportunity to pursue careers in the pharmaceutical industry, government, and the health care industry.
To enter the graduate portion of the program, the student must have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher, as well as a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the science courses. The student must also complete coursework in statistics. Furthermore, at least two relevant advanced science courses in cell biology, genetics, or molecular biology must be completed by the end of the junior year. For more information about the program and the additional requirements for admission, please contact Professor Steven Theroux.
B.A. or B.S./Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.)
Bridgeport University
Bridgeport University offers eligible Assumption University students preferred admission and financial assistance. To be eligible students must complete the required prerequisite courses, earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the required prerequisite courses. For more information please see the Health Professions Advisor, Prof. Steven Theroux.
B.A. or B.S./Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.)
Northeast College of Health Sciences (formerly New York Chiropractic College)
The partnership allows biology majors at Assumption guaranteed early admission (contingent on requirements) into Northeast College’s Doctor of Chiropractic program, even as the students continue to earn their bachelor’s degrees.
The 3+3 articulation option saves students the cost of one year of tuition by allowing Assumption University students to earn both a bachelor’s degree and Northeast College Doctor of Chiropractic degree a full year more quickly than it would take to earn the degrees individually. The 4+3 articulation option lets students complete an undergraduate degree at Assumption University and gain automatic acceptance to Northeast College when requirements are met.
With guided support from both institutions, students are also able to avoid spending time and money on unnecessary coursework and begin their path to Northeast by submitting a Letter of Intent, signed by their undergraduate advisor.
Contact Professor Steven Theroux, the Health Professions Advisor, for additional details and requirements.
Assumption University B.A. in Sociology/Clark University M.A. in Community Development and Planning
This is an accelerated 6-in-5 Master’s program. Normally, the completion of these two programs takes six years. The dual degree student combines four years of training in the liberal arts and sociology at Assumption University with one year of graduate instruction in community development and planning in the Department of Sustainability and Social Justice at Clark University. This program provides students with an opportunity to pursue careers in fields of education, urban planning, affordable housing development, economic and workforce development, and public health. To enter the graduate program of study, the student must have a GPA of 3.4 or higher at the end of their junior year and must have completed specific courses as part of their undergraduate degree program at Assumption University. Once admitted into the graduate program at Clark University, the student is required to take two graduate courses for dual-degree credit toward their B.A. in Sociology at Assumption University and their M.A. in Community Development and Planning at Clark University. For more information about the program and additional requirements for admission, contact Professor Angela Kaufman-Parks at
Assumption University B.A. in Criminology/Anna Maria College M.S. in Criminal Justice
This is an accelerated 6-in-5 Master’s program. Normally, the completion of these two programs takes six years. The dual degree student combines four years of training in the liberal arts and criminology at Assumption University with one year of graduate instruction in criminal justice at Anna Maria College. This program provides students with an opportunity to pursue careers in the criminal justice system, including with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies. To enter the graduate program of study, the student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher at the end of their junior year, as well as have completed or have in progress no less than 90 undergraduate credit hours. Once admitted into the graduate program at Anna Maria College, the student is able to complete up to three graduate courses for dual-degree credit toward their B.A. in Criminology at Assumption University and their M.S. in Criminal Justice at Anna Maria College. For more information about the program and additional requirements for admission, contact Professor Angela Kaufman-Parks at
Assumption University B.A. in Criminology/Merrimack College M.S. in Criminology and Criminal Justice
Students who graduate from Assumption University with a B.A. in Criminology and an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher and are interested in pursuing the one-year accelerated M.S. in Criminology and Criminal Justice at Merrimack College will receive the following benefits: (1) no application fee, (2) waiver of Graduate Record Exam (GRE) requirement), (3) guaranteed admissions interview with the Merrimack College Criminology and Criminal Justice Program Director, (4) priority admission into the Criminology and Criminal Justice program, pending review of all materials, and (5) priority review, pending eligibility, for discounted tuition and scholarships. For more information about the program, contact Professor Angela Kaufman-Parks at
B.A./B.S. Engineering
University of Notre Dame
Assumption University and the University of Notre Dame offer a 3:2 program in engineering. Students who participate in this program spend three years at Assumption University and two years at the University of Notre Dame.
Qualified Assumption students can earn a B.A. or B.S. in mathematics, computer science, or one of the natural sciences from Assumption University and a B.S. in aerospace engineering, chemical, civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, or mechanical engineering from the University of Notre Dame.
The Assumption University degree will usually be in Chemistry (for Chemical Engineering), Environmental Science (for Environmental Engineering), Mathematics or Computer Science (for Computer Engineering), and Mathematics (for Aerospace, Civil, Electrical, or Mechanical Engineering).
For more information, please contact the program director, Professor Teresa Herd at
B.A. or B.S./Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
The McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis
This Dual Degree Partnership program allows Assumption University students to earn an undergraduate degree from Assumption and one or more degrees from The McKelvey School of Engineering. The degree(s) awarded from The McKelvey School of Engineering may include a single undergraduate degree in engineering (2-year option) or a combination of an undergraduate degree and a master’s degree (3-year option) in engineering.
Eligible students spend three or four years of study at Assumption then complete two or three additional years of study at The McKelvey School of Engineering.
Students who choose the 2-year option will spend two years at SEAS to complete a McKelvey School of Engineering undergraduate degree. Students who choose the 3-year option will spend three years at SEAS to complete the requirements for both an undergraduate degree and a master’s degree.
The Assumption University degree will usually be in Biology or Chemistry (for Biomedical Engineering), Chemistry (for Chemical Engineering), Mathematics or Computer Science (for Computer Engineering), and Mathematics (for Systems Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering).
At least 90 units of acceptable transfer credit must be earned by students at Assumption before they can formally enroll at The McKelvey School of Engineering.
BS or Masters Fields at The McKelvey School of Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Data Science
- Electrical Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Systems Science & Engineering
There is also the option of studying for a Masters in:
- Aerospace Engineering
- Construction Management
- Data Analytics & Statistics
- Energy, Environmental, & Chemical Engineering
- Engineering Management
- Imaging Science
- Information Systems Management
- Materials Science & Engineering
- Systems Science & Mathematics
Assumption will accept units completed at The McKelvey School of Engineering and count these units toward the completion of the AC undergraduate degree requirements.
Assumption University students must be recommended by the University and, prior to entering McKelvey School of Engineering, complete the entrance requirements specified by The McKelvey School of Engineering. Admission to the program is not guaranteed. Students are welcome to apply for financial aid at Washington University.
Students who have already completed all undergraduate degree requirements at Assumption University are also eligible to apply for this program if they apply within 12 months of earning their undergraduate degree.
For more information, please contact the program director, Professor Teresa Herd at .
Engineering Dual Degree Program
B.A. or B.S./Masters of Environmental Science Management (M.E.M.)
Duke University Nicholas School
This is a 3:2 program, which means students spend 3 years at Assumption and 2 at Duke to earn a B.A. in Environmental Science and a Master’s of Environmental Science Management (MEM) degree.
Assumption students can complete their general education requirements, all but two of their Environmental Science major requirements, and their application to the Duke graduate school after three years at Assumption.
The two courses the students will take at Duke University and apply towards the Assumption University Environmental Science major will be determined in consultation with an Assumption University 3:2 Environmental Science Program Advisor, Professor Erin Tuttle .
Admission into the Duke program is not guaranteed and admission is competitive.
If accepted, the student is eligible to receive his/her Assumption University degree upon the successful completion of their first year of graduate studies at Duke.
At the end of the second year of graduate study, the student is eligible to receive her/his MEM degree.
Students interested in this program should contact Program Advisor – Professor Erin Tuttle at
Additional information can be found at
B.A. or B.S./Masters of Forestry Management (M.F.)
Duke University Nicholas School
This is a 3:2 program, which means students spend 3 years at Assumption and 2 at Duke.
Assumption students can complete their general education requirements, all but two of their Environmental Science major requirements, and their application to the Duke graduate school after three years at Assumption.
The two courses the students will take at Duke University and apply towards the Assumption University Environmental Science major will be determined in consultation with the Assumption University 3:2 Environmental Science Program Advisor – Professor Erin Tuttle
Admission into the Duke program is not guaranteed and admission is competitive.
If accepted, the student is eligible to receive his or her Assumption University degree upon the successful completion of their first year of graduate studies at Duke.
At the end of the second year of graduate study, the student is eligible to receive a masters in Forestry Management from Duke University.
Students interested in this program should contact Program Advisor – Professor Erin Tuttle at at the start of their first year.
Additional information can be found at
B.A. in Economics, Finance or Accounting / Master’s Degree in Finance (MSF)
Clark University
To be eligible:
Assumption students:
Major in Economics, Finance, or Accounting at Assumption
2. Have achieved a grade of B or better in three core courses (Principles of Microeconomics, Statistics, and Calculus)
3. Have a 3.4 or better GPA by spring of their junior year
Students who meet the eligibility requirements will be admitted after providing a transcript, resume and letter of recommendation. There is no application fee and no entrance exams are required.
You will take 2 grad courses at Clark during your senior year at Assumption. These two courses, with a C or better will satisfy the Assumption undergraduate degree requirements and count towards your master’s degree at Clark. These two courses are covered under Assumption tuition.
After graduating from Assumption with your bachelor’s degree, you will attend Clark University full time for one academic year. The eight remaining graduate courses will be at a 50% discount.
Colleen Fahy PhD
Professor of Economics
Assumption University/School of Law at the University of St. Thomas B.A./J.D.
Assumption University and the School of Law at the University of St. Thomas offer an accelerated program of study that allows qualified students to earn a bachelor’s degree from Assumption University and a law degree from the University of St. Thomas in six years. Typically, seven years of study are required to earn these degrees. To be eligible for admission into this accelerated program, students must complete the requirements of their major and the Foundations Program of Assumption University in their first three years of study. Upon successful completion of their first year of law school at St. Thomas, individuals in this program are eligible to graduate with a bachelor’s degree from Assumption University. Admission into the law school is not guaranteed; students must apply to the law school and meet its admission requirements.
Assumption University/Thomas R. Kline School of Law of Duquesne University B.A./J.D.
Assumption University and the Thomas R. Kline School of Law of Duquesne University offer an accelerated program of study that allows qualified students to earn a bachelor’s degree from Assumption University and a law degree from Duquesne University in six years. Typically, seven years of study are required to earn these degrees. To be eligible for admission into this accelerated program, students must complete the requirements of their major and the Foundations Program of Assumption University in their first three years of study. Upon successful completion of their first year of law school at Duquesne, individuals in this program are eligible to graduate with a bachelor’s degree from Assumption University. Admission into the law school is not guaranteed; students must apply to the law school and meet its admission requirements.
Assumption University/ UMass Law B.A./J.D.
Assumption University and UMass Law offer an accelerated program of study that allows qualified students to earn a bachelor’s degree from Assumption University and a law degree from UMass Law in six years. Typically, seven years of study are required to earn these degrees. To be eligible for admission into this accelerated program, students must complete the requirements of their major and the Foundations Program of Assumption University in their first three years of study. Upon successful completion of their first year of law school at UMass Law, individuals in this program are eligible to graduate with a bachelor’s degree from Assumption University. Admission into the law school is not guaranteed; students must apply to the law school and meet its admission requirements.
Assumption University/Western New England University School of Law B.A./J.D.
Assumption University and the Western New England University School of Law offer an accelerated program of study that allows qualified students to earn a bachelor’s degree from Assumption University and a law degree from Western New England University School of Law in six years. Typically, seven years of study are required to earn these degrees. To be eligible for admission into this accelerated program, students must complete the requirements of their major and the Foundations Program of Assumption University in their first three years of study. Upon successful completion of their first year of law school at Western New England University School of Law, individuals in this program are eligible to graduate with a bachelor’s degree from Assumption University. Admission into the law school is not guaranteed; students must apply to the law school and meet its admission requirements.
Assumption University/Vermont Law and Graduate School B.A./J.D.
The Vermont Law School has an exceptionally strong program in Environmental Law, and it has consistently been ranked among the top programs in the country by US News and World Report. Students interested in pursuing a J.D. in Environmental Law may wish to consider this program. The Vermont University of Law also prepares students for the practice of other areas of law, so admission to this institution is not limited to those interested in Environmental Law. Admission into the law school is guaranteed to students who meet the eligibility requirements. Students eligible for admission to the law school through this agreement must complete the requirements for a bachelor’s degree from Assumption University. The applicant must also complete a minimum of 60 credits towards the bachelor’s degree in residence at Assumption University with a GPA that is equal to or exceeds the average GPA of the first year J.D. class in residence at Vermont Law and Graduate School at the time of the student’s application. In addition, students eligible for admission through this agreement must have a current LSAT score that is equal to or exceeds the average LSAT score of the first-year J.D. class in residence at the time of the student’s application.
***Students interested in any of these programs should contact Professor Carl Keyes or Professor Michael Matraia at the start of their first year.
Duke University Marine Science Education Consortium (MSEC)
Assumption is one of 35 institutions that participate in the Duke University’s MSEC, and Assumption students are eligible to study at Duke University’s state-of-the-art Marine Laboratory in Beaufort, NC, during the fall, spring or summer sessions.
The Duke program offers an opportunity for intensive study in marine science and marine ecology.
Assumption students may participate in the MSEC’s study abroad programs, which include sites in Singapore, Trinidad, Hawaii, Panama, and France.
While at Duke, it is possible to carry out an independent study project in collaboration with the Duke faculty.
Assumption students can take courses in Physics while in residence, and the program is designed to accommodate students interested in pursuing graduate study in the health professions.
This program should also be of particular interest to Environmental Science majors and minors and to those who seek a science-intense study abroad opportunity.
Students interested in this program should contact Program Advisor – Professor Erin Tuttle at
Additional information can be found at
B.A or B.S../Doctor of Allopathic Medicine (M.D.)
American University of Antigua Medical School
Assumption University students who fulfill the terms of the agreement will be accepted at the American University of Antigua University of Medicine. The terms of the agreement include the following: the student must have a GPA of 3.25 or higher, they must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the prerequisite courses, they must not have an F or a D in any prerequisite course, they must earn a score of 24 or higher on the medical University admissions test (MCAT), and they must earn a favorable recommendation from the AUA admissions officer who they interview with. For more information please see the health professions advisor.
B.A. or B.S./M.S. Molecular Imaging
Regis University
Assumption University and Regis University offer a B.A. in Biology or Biotechnology and Molecular Biology and a Master of Science in Molecular Imaging. To qualify for the two preferred admission seats within the graduate program, the student must complete the requirements of the science major, earn a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, earn a 3.2 or higher in the specified science perquisites, and earn a C or better in each prerequisite course. Those admitted are eligible for a GRE/MAT waiver and a waiver of the admissions fee. Please see Professor Steven Theroux for more information.
M.S. in Neuroscience
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
Assumption University is pleased to announce a new articulation agreement with Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). This Collaborative Accelerated Master’s Program in Neuroscience allows Assumption students (not restricted to neuroscience majors) to apply while still undergraduates. Application fees are waived by WPI. Accepted students can pursue a master’s degree in neuroscience at WPI in an accelerated time frame after completing their bachelor’s degree at Assumption. Currently enrolled Assumption undergraduates can earn graduate credit (up to 12 credits) towards a Master’s degree in Neuroscience at WPI by successfully completing a selected list of courses. These courses include undergraduate courses at Assumption and at WPI, in addition to a selected list of graduate level courses at WPI, at no additional cost beyond undergraduate Assumption tuition. This agreement allows Assumption undergraduates to complete a Master’s in Neuroscience at WPI in an accelerated manner, saving time and money.
Michele Lemons, Ph.D.
Professor of Biology
B.A or B.S./Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.)
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS)
MCPHS has agreed to provide at least three seats at their Manchester, NH, campus and three seats in their Worcester, MA, campus for qualified Assumption students who want to earn a second bachelor’s degree in nursing. This is a 16-month program, and to be eligible Assumption students must complete the specified prerequisites with a grade of C or better (with no repeats), earn an average GPA of 3.2 or higher in the required prerequisites, and obtain a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher. Please see the Health Professions Advisor for additional details and requirements.
B.A. or B.S./Master of Science in Occupational Therapy
Regis University
Assumption University and Regis University offer a program that leads to a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Biology from Assumption University and a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy from Regis University. There are two seats available for preferred admission within the graduate program, and to qualify for the seats, a student must complete a specified course of study, earn a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher, earn a GPA of 3.2 or higher in the science prerequisites, and earn a grade of B- or better in all of the science prerequisites taken at Assumption. For more information, please contact Professor Steven Theroux.
B.A. or B.S./Doctor of Optometry
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS)
MCPHS will provide 5 seats at the Worcester, MA campus for qualified Assumption students. To be eligible students must complete the prerequisites with a grade of C or Better (no repeats), have a GPA of 3.2 in the prerequisites and an overall GPA of 3.2.
Contact Professor Steve Theroux, the Health Professions Advisor, for more details
B.A. or B.S./Doctor of Optometry (O.D.)
New England College of Optometry
This accelerated, 7-year curriculum of undergraduate and professional education leads to a B.A in Biology from Assumption and a Doctor of Optometry (O.D.) degree from the N.E. College of Optometry. Typically, eight years of study are required to earn a degree in Optometry.
Assumption students can complete their general education requirements, all but two of their Biology major requirements, and their application to the New England College of Optometry graduate school after three years at Assumption.
The two courses the students will take at the New England College of Optometry and apply towards the Assumption University Biology major will be determined in consultation with the Health Professions Advisor, Professor Steven Theroux.
Upon completion of three years of specified course work (providing predetermined grade point average and OAT scores are met), students can apply to the N.E. College of Optometry.
Admission into the School of Optometry is not guaranteed.
After the successful completion of the first year at the College of Optometry, the student will earn a B.A. degree in Biology from Assumption.
After completion of the fourth year of professional study, the student will earn the Doctor of Optometry degree from the New England College of Optometry.
Students interested in this program should meet with Professor Steven Theroux, the Health Professions Advisor, early in their first year.
B.A. or B.S./Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCHPS)
MCPHS will provide 2 seats at the Manchester, NH campus and 5 seats at the Worcester, MA campus for qualified Assumption students who want to enter a doctoral program in Pharmacy.
The Pharm.D program can be completed in 34 months, following graduation from Assumption University with a B.A. degree.
To be eligible for admission into the program, students must complete the prerequisites with a grade of C or better (no repeats), have a GPA of 3.4 in the prerequisites and an overall GPA of 3.4.
Contact Professor Steven Theroux, the Health Professions Advisor, for additional details and requirements.
B.A. or B.S./Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)
University of St. Joseph
The University of St. Joseph will annually accept a minimum of 2 qualified dual degree applicants from Assumption once those applicants have completed the first three years in the dual degree program.
B.A. or B.S./M.S in Allied Health Professions
Northeastern University
Northeastern University will waive the application fee and the GRE requirement for qualified Assumption University students interested in pursuing graduate degrees in pharmaceutical science, physician assistant studies, exercise physiology, school counseling, health informatics, and public health. To be eligible, students must earn a GPA of 3.2 or higher.
B.A. or B.S./Doctorate in Physical Therapy (DPT)
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS)
MCPHS provides 2 seats for qualified Assumption students at its Worcester campus.
The DPT program requires 32 months to complete.
To be eligible, students must complete all required prerequisite courses and earn a cumulative G.P.A. of 3.3 in the specified coursework. The student must also have an overall G.P.A. of 3.3
Contact Professor Steven Theroux, the Health Professions Advisor, for additional information about admission requirements
B.A. or B.S./Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies (M.S.P.A.S.)
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) has agreed to provide at least one seat at their Manchester, MA campus and one seat at their Worcester, MA campus for qualified Assumption students who want to earn a master’s degree in Physician Assistant Studies. This is a 24-month program, and to be eligible Assumption students must complete the prerequisites with a grade of C or better (with no repeats). They must also have a GPA of 3.4 or higher in the required prerequisites, an overall GPA of at least 3.4, and they must pass an interview at MCPHS. Please see the Health Professions Advisor for additional details and requirements.
B.A. or B.S./M.S in Allied Health Professions
Northeastern University
Northeastern University will waive the application fee and the GRE requirement for qualified Assumption University students interested in pursuing graduate degrees in pharmaceutical science, physician assistant studies, exercise physiology, school counseling, health informatics, and public health. To be eligible, students must earn a GPA of 3.2 or higher.
B.A. or B.S./Doctor of Podiatric Medicine
Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine
This is an accelerated 7-year curriculum of undergraduate and professional education leading to the B.A. in Biology from Assumption University and the Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (D.P.M.) degree from Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine.
Assumption students can complete their general education requirements, all but two of their major requirements, and their application to the podiatry school after three years at Assumption.
The two courses the students will take at Barry University and apply towards the Assumption University major will be determined in consultation with Professor Steven Theroux, the Health Professions Advisor.
Students apply to the program in their junior year at Assumption.
Admission to Barry is not guaranteed.
Once the student has successfully completed their first year at Barry University College of Podiatric Medicine, the student is eligible to graduate with a B.A. in Biology from Assumption University.
Contact Professor Steven Theroux for additional details and requirements.
Assumption University/Worcester State University Master of Public Administration & Policy (MPAP)
This is an accelerated 6-in-5 Master’s program. Normally, the completion of these two programs takes six years. The dual degree student combines four years of training in the liberal arts at Assumption University with one year of graduate instruction in public administration and policy at Worcester State University. This program provides students with an opportunity to pursue careers related to policymaking and analysis, including work as legislative aides, and municipal, regional and state policy and planning staff. To enter the graduate program of study, the student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher at the end of their junior year, as well as have completed or have in progress no less than 90 undergraduate credit hours. An introductory course in each economics, political science, and statistics must also be completed prior to admission. Once admitted into the graduate program at Worcester State University, the student is able to complete two graduate courses for dual-degree credit toward their undergraduate degree at Assumption University and their master’s degree at Worcester State University. For more information about the program and additional requirements for admission, contact Professor Angela Kaufman-Parks at
B.A. or B.S./Master of Science (M.S.) in Regulatory and Clinical Research Management
Regis University
Assumption University and Regis University offer a program that leads to a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Biology from Assumption University and a Master of Science in Regulatory and Clinical Research Management from Regis University. To qualify for the two preferred admission seats within the graduate program, a GRE/GMAT waiver, an admissions fee waiver, and a free graduate course prior to matriculation into the program, the student must earn a BA in Biology or Biotechnology and Molecular Biology from Assumption University and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. To matriculate into the graduate program the student must also obtain a satisfactory letter of recommendation from a faculty member in the Assumption University science department, and they must successfully complete an interview at Regis University. For more information, please contact Prof. Steven Theroux.
B.A. or B.S. Assumption University/Master of Science in Athletic Training Southern Connecticut State University
Assumption University and Southern Connecticut State University offer a program that leads to a Bachelor’s degree from Assumption and a Master’s degree in Athletic Training from Southern Connecticut State. To qualify for consideration, the student must have a 3.0 GPA and at least C- in all prerequisite coursework.
For more information, please contact Prof. Steven Theroux.
B.A. or B.S./Master of Science (M.S.) in Exercise Science
American International College
American International College will reserve two seats for qualified Assumption University students who want to earn an M.S. in Exercise Science with a Concentration in Strength and Conditioning. To qualify for admission the student must earn a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, and a 3.0 or higher in the prerequisite courses. The student must also complete the requirements for a major in Health Science with a Concentration in Pre-clinical studies, or Biology, or Biology with a Concentration in Neuroscience, or Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, or Chemistry, prior to matriculation at AIC.
B.A. or B.S./M.S in Allied Health Professions
Northeastern University
Northeastern University will waive the application fee and the GRE requirement for qualified Assumption University students interested in pursuing graduate degrees in pharmaceutical science, physician assistant studies, exercise physiology, school counseling, health informatics, and public health. To be eligible, students must earn a GPA of 3.2 or higher.
B.A.or B.S./Masters of Science in Biotechnology (M.S.B.) or a Masters of Science in Bioinformatics
Northeastern University Graduate School Program
Assumption University and Northeastern University have agreed to collaborate in order to offer Assumption students the opportunity to earn a B.S. in Biotechnology and Molecular Biology or a B.S. in Biology at Assumption University and an M.S. in Biotechnology or an M.S. in Bioinformatics at Northeastern University.
To be eligible for admission to this program, a student must be a Biology or Biotechnology and Molecular Biology major at Assumption, and they must have completed at least 60 credits, but not more than 100 credits, of their undergraduate program. Consequently, a student will typically apply for admission to the Northeastern M.S. program at the end of their sophomore year. To initiate the application process, the student should contact Professor Steven Theroux.
Upon being accepted into the program, the student will be allowed to complete up to 12 graduate credits at Northeastern during their junior and senior years at Assumption. These credits will count toward the student’s undergraduate degree at Assumption and their graduate degree at Northeastern.
Since the courses the students take at Northeastern count towards both their undergraduate and graduate degrees, individuals within this program can typically finish the Northeastern Masters degree at an accelerated rate, and upon graduation from Assumption, Northeastern allows students in this program up to three years to finish their Masters degree coursework.
The grades earned within this program at Northeastern will be part of the student’s undergraduate GPA, and they will also count towards the student’s eligibility to enroll at Assumption with full-time status. In addition, the grades earned at Northeastern will be used in the calculation of the student’s graduate GPA.
There is an additional fee that will be billed for the courses a student takes at Northeastern, and in order to have the courses count toward their undergraduate degree, students in the program must notify the Assumption Program Director, Prof. Steven Theroux, when they register for their Northeastern courses.
B.A. or B.S./Professional Science Master’s Degree in Biotechnology (P.S.M.)
Framingham State University
This is an accelerated 4+1 masters program. Normally, the completion of these two programs takes six years. The dual degree student combines four years of training in the liberal arts and biotechnology and molecular biology at Assumption University with one year of graduate instruction in biological science, business, and the regulatory science of biotechnology at Framingham State University. This program provides students with an opportunity to pursue careers in the pharmaceutical industry, government, and the health care industry.
To enter the graduate portion of the program, the student must have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher, as well as a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the science courses. The student must also complete coursework in statistics. Furthermore, at least two relevant advanced science courses in cell biology, genetics, or molecular biology must be completed by the end of the junior year. For more information about the program and the additional requirements for admission, please contact Professor Steven Theroux.
B.A. or B.S./Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.)
Bridgeport University
Bridgeport University offers eligible Assumption University students preferred admission and financial assistance. To be eligible students must complete the required prerequisite courses, earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the required prerequisite courses. For more information please see the Health Professions Advisor, Prof. Steven Theroux.
B.A. or B.S./Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.)
Northeast College of Health Sciences (formerly New York Chiropractic College)
The partnership allows biology majors at Assumption guaranteed early admission (contingent on requirements) into Northeast College’s Doctor of Chiropractic program, even as the students continue to earn their bachelor’s degrees.
The 3+3 articulation option saves students the cost of one year of tuition by allowing Assumption University students to earn both a bachelor’s degree and Northeast College Doctor of Chiropractic degree a full year more quickly than it would take to earn the degrees individually. The 4+3 articulation option lets students complete an undergraduate degree at Assumption University and gain automatic acceptance to Northeast College when requirements are met.
With guided support from both institutions, students are also able to avoid spending time and money on unnecessary coursework and begin their path to Northeast by submitting a Letter of Intent, signed by their undergraduate advisor.
Contact Professor Steven Theroux, the Health Professions Advisor, for additional details and requirements.
Assumption University B.A. in Sociology/Clark University M.A. in Community Development and Planning
This is an accelerated 6-in-5 Master’s program. Normally, the completion of these two programs takes six years. The dual degree student combines four years of training in the liberal arts and sociology at Assumption University with one year of graduate instruction in community development and planning in the Department of Sustainability and Social Justice at Clark University. This program provides students with an opportunity to pursue careers in fields of education, urban planning, affordable housing development, economic and workforce development, and public health. To enter the graduate program of study, the student must have a GPA of 3.4 or higher at the end of their junior year and must have completed specific courses as part of their undergraduate degree program at Assumption University. Once admitted into the graduate program at Clark University, the student is required to take two graduate courses for dual-degree credit toward their B.A. in Sociology at Assumption University and their M.A. in Community Development and Planning at Clark University. For more information about the program and additional requirements for admission, contact Professor Angela Kaufman-Parks at
Assumption University B.A. in Criminology/Anna Maria College M.S. in Criminal Justice
This is an accelerated 6-in-5 Master’s program. Normally, the completion of these two programs takes six years. The dual degree student combines four years of training in the liberal arts and criminology at Assumption University with one year of graduate instruction in criminal justice at Anna Maria College. This program provides students with an opportunity to pursue careers in the criminal justice system, including with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies. To enter the graduate program of study, the student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher at the end of their junior year, as well as have completed or have in progress no less than 90 undergraduate credit hours. Once admitted into the graduate program at Anna Maria College, the student is able to complete up to three graduate courses for dual-degree credit toward their B.A. in Criminology at Assumption University and their M.S. in Criminal Justice at Anna Maria College. For more information about the program and additional requirements for admission, contact Professor Angela Kaufman-Parks at
Assumption University B.A. in Criminology/Merrimack College M.S. in Criminology and Criminal Justice
Students who graduate from Assumption University with a B.A. in Criminology and an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher and are interested in pursuing the one-year accelerated M.S. in Criminology and Criminal Justice at Merrimack College will receive the following benefits: (1) no application fee, (2) waiver of Graduate Record Exam (GRE) requirement), (3) guaranteed admissions interview with the Merrimack College Criminology and Criminal Justice Program Director, (4) priority admission into the Criminology and Criminal Justice program, pending review of all materials, and (5) priority review, pending eligibility, for discounted tuition and scholarships. For more information about the program, contact Professor Angela Kaufman-Parks at
B.A./B.S. Engineering
University of Notre Dame
Assumption University and the University of Notre Dame offer a 3:2 program in engineering. Students who participate in this program spend three years at Assumption University and two years at the University of Notre Dame.
Qualified Assumption students can earn a B.A. or B.S. in mathematics, computer science, or one of the natural sciences from Assumption University and a B.S. in aerospace engineering, chemical, civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, or mechanical engineering from the University of Notre Dame.
The Assumption University degree will usually be in Chemistry (for Chemical Engineering), Environmental Science (for Environmental Engineering), Mathematics or Computer Science (for Computer Engineering), and Mathematics (for Aerospace, Civil, Electrical, or Mechanical Engineering).
For more information, please contact the program director, Professor Teresa Herd at
B.A. or B.S./Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
The McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis
This Dual Degree Partnership program allows Assumption University students to earn an undergraduate degree from Assumption and one or more degrees from The McKelvey School of Engineering. The degree(s) awarded from The McKelvey School of Engineering may include a single undergraduate degree in engineering (2-year option) or a combination of an undergraduate degree and a master’s degree (3-year option) in engineering.
Eligible students spend three or four years of study at Assumption then complete two or three additional years of study at The McKelvey School of Engineering.
Students who choose the 2-year option will spend two years at SEAS to complete a McKelvey School of Engineering undergraduate degree. Students who choose the 3-year option will spend three years at SEAS to complete the requirements for both an undergraduate degree and a master’s degree.
The Assumption University degree will usually be in Biology or Chemistry (for Biomedical Engineering), Chemistry (for Chemical Engineering), Mathematics or Computer Science (for Computer Engineering), and Mathematics (for Systems Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering).
At least 90 units of acceptable transfer credit must be earned by students at Assumption before they can formally enroll at The McKelvey School of Engineering.
BS or Masters Fields at The McKelvey School of Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Data Science
- Electrical Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Systems Science & Engineering
There is also the option of studying for a Masters in:
- Aerospace Engineering
- Construction Management
- Data Analytics & Statistics
- Energy, Environmental, & Chemical Engineering
- Engineering Management
- Imaging Science
- Information Systems Management
- Materials Science & Engineering
- Systems Science & Mathematics
Assumption will accept units completed at The McKelvey School of Engineering and count these units toward the completion of the AC undergraduate degree requirements.
Assumption University students must be recommended by the University and, prior to entering McKelvey School of Engineering, complete the entrance requirements specified by The McKelvey School of Engineering. Admission to the program is not guaranteed. Students are welcome to apply for financial aid at Washington University.
Students who have already completed all undergraduate degree requirements at Assumption University are also eligible to apply for this program if they apply within 12 months of earning their undergraduate degree.
For more information, please contact the program director, Professor Teresa Herd at .
Engineering Dual Degree Program
B.A. or B.S./Masters of Environmental Science Management (M.E.M.)
Duke University Nicholas School
This is a 3:2 program, which means students spend 3 years at Assumption and 2 at Duke to earn a B.A. in Environmental Science and a Master’s of Environmental Science Management (MEM) degree.
Assumption students can complete their general education requirements, all but two of their Environmental Science major requirements, and their application to the Duke graduate school after three years at Assumption.
The two courses the students will take at Duke University and apply towards the Assumption University Environmental Science major will be determined in consultation with an Assumption University 3:2 Environmental Science Program Advisor, Professor Erin Tuttle .
Admission into the Duke program is not guaranteed and admission is competitive.
If accepted, the student is eligible to receive his/her Assumption University degree upon the successful completion of their first year of graduate studies at Duke.
At the end of the second year of graduate study, the student is eligible to receive her/his MEM degree.
Students interested in this program should contact Program Advisor – Professor Erin Tuttle at
Additional information can be found at
B.A. or B.S./Masters of Forestry Management (M.F.)
Duke University Nicholas School
This is a 3:2 program, which means students spend 3 years at Assumption and 2 at Duke.
Assumption students can complete their general education requirements, all but two of their Environmental Science major requirements, and their application to the Duke graduate school after three years at Assumption.
The two courses the students will take at Duke University and apply towards the Assumption University Environmental Science major will be determined in consultation with the Assumption University 3:2 Environmental Science Program Advisor – Professor Erin Tuttle
Admission into the Duke program is not guaranteed and admission is competitive.
If accepted, the student is eligible to receive his or her Assumption University degree upon the successful completion of their first year of graduate studies at Duke.
At the end of the second year of graduate study, the student is eligible to receive a masters in Forestry Management from Duke University.
Students interested in this program should contact Program Advisor – Professor Erin Tuttle at at the start of their first year.
Additional information can be found at
B.A. in Economics, Finance or Accounting / Master’s Degree in Finance (MSF)
Clark University
To be eligible:
Assumption students:
Major in Economics, Finance, or Accounting at Assumption
2. Have achieved a grade of B or better in three core courses (Principles of Microeconomics, Statistics, and Calculus)
3. Have a 3.4 or better GPA by spring of their junior year
Students who meet the eligibility requirements will be admitted after providing a transcript, resume and letter of recommendation. There is no application fee and no entrance exams are required.
You will take 2 grad courses at Clark during your senior year at Assumption. These two courses, with a C or better will satisfy the Assumption undergraduate degree requirements and count towards your master’s degree at Clark. These two courses are covered under Assumption tuition.
After graduating from Assumption with your bachelor’s degree, you will attend Clark University full time for one academic year. The eight remaining graduate courses will be at a 50% discount.
Colleen Fahy PhD
Professor of Economics
Assumption University/School of Law at the University of St. Thomas B.A./J.D.
Assumption University and the School of Law at the University of St. Thomas offer an accelerated program of study that allows qualified students to earn a bachelor’s degree from Assumption University and a law degree from the University of St. Thomas in six years. Typically, seven years of study are required to earn these degrees. To be eligible for admission into this accelerated program, students must complete the requirements of their major and the Foundations Program of Assumption University in their first three years of study. Upon successful completion of their first year of law school at St. Thomas, individuals in this program are eligible to graduate with a bachelor’s degree from Assumption University. Admission into the law school is not guaranteed; students must apply to the law school and meet its admission requirements.
Assumption University/Thomas R. Kline School of Law of Duquesne University B.A./J.D.
Assumption University and the Thomas R. Kline School of Law of Duquesne University offer an accelerated program of study that allows qualified students to earn a bachelor’s degree from Assumption University and a law degree from Duquesne University in six years. Typically, seven years of study are required to earn these degrees. To be eligible for admission into this accelerated program, students must complete the requirements of their major and the Foundations Program of Assumption University in their first three years of study. Upon successful completion of their first year of law school at Duquesne, individuals in this program are eligible to graduate with a bachelor’s degree from Assumption University. Admission into the law school is not guaranteed; students must apply to the law school and meet its admission requirements.
Assumption University/ UMass Law B.A./J.D.
Assumption University and UMass Law offer an accelerated program of study that allows qualified students to earn a bachelor’s degree from Assumption University and a law degree from UMass Law in six years. Typically, seven years of study are required to earn these degrees. To be eligible for admission into this accelerated program, students must complete the requirements of their major and the Foundations Program of Assumption University in their first three years of study. Upon successful completion of their first year of law school at UMass Law, individuals in this program are eligible to graduate with a bachelor’s degree from Assumption University. Admission into the law school is not guaranteed; students must apply to the law school and meet its admission requirements.
Assumption University/Western New England University School of Law B.A./J.D.
Assumption University and the Western New England University School of Law offer an accelerated program of study that allows qualified students to earn a bachelor’s degree from Assumption University and a law degree from Western New England University School of Law in six years. Typically, seven years of study are required to earn these degrees. To be eligible for admission into this accelerated program, students must complete the requirements of their major and the Foundations Program of Assumption University in their first three years of study. Upon successful completion of their first year of law school at Western New England University School of Law, individuals in this program are eligible to graduate with a bachelor’s degree from Assumption University. Admission into the law school is not guaranteed; students must apply to the law school and meet its admission requirements.
Assumption University/Vermont Law and Graduate School B.A./J.D.
The Vermont Law School has an exceptionally strong program in Environmental Law, and it has consistently been ranked among the top programs in the country by US News and World Report. Students interested in pursuing a J.D. in Environmental Law may wish to consider this program. The Vermont University of Law also prepares students for the practice of other areas of law, so admission to this institution is not limited to those interested in Environmental Law. Admission into the law school is guaranteed to students who meet the eligibility requirements. Students eligible for admission to the law school through this agreement must complete the requirements for a bachelor’s degree from Assumption University. The applicant must also complete a minimum of 60 credits towards the bachelor’s degree in residence at Assumption University with a GPA that is equal to or exceeds the average GPA of the first year J.D. class in residence at Vermont Law and Graduate School at the time of the student’s application. In addition, students eligible for admission through this agreement must have a current LSAT score that is equal to or exceeds the average LSAT score of the first-year J.D. class in residence at the time of the student’s application.
***Students interested in any of these programs should contact Professor Carl Keyes or Professor Michael Matraia at the start of their first year.
Duke University Marine Science Education Consortium (MSEC)
Assumption is one of 35 institutions that participate in the Duke University’s MSEC, and Assumption students are eligible to study at Duke University’s state-of-the-art Marine Laboratory in Beaufort, NC, during the fall, spring or summer sessions.
The Duke program offers an opportunity for intensive study in marine science and marine ecology.
Assumption students may participate in the MSEC’s study abroad programs, which include sites in Singapore, Trinidad, Hawaii, Panama, and France.
While at Duke, it is possible to carry out an independent study project in collaboration with the Duke faculty.
Assumption students can take courses in Physics while in residence, and the program is designed to accommodate students interested in pursuing graduate study in the health professions.
This program should also be of particular interest to Environmental Science majors and minors and to those who seek a science-intense study abroad opportunity.
Students interested in this program should contact Program Advisor – Professor Erin Tuttle at
Additional information can be found at
B.A or B.S../Doctor of Allopathic Medicine (M.D.)
American University of Antigua Medical School
Assumption University students who fulfill the terms of the agreement will be accepted at the American University of Antigua University of Medicine. The terms of the agreement include the following: the student must have a GPA of 3.25 or higher, they must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the prerequisite courses, they must not have an F or a D in any prerequisite course, they must earn a score of 24 or higher on the medical University admissions test (MCAT), and they must earn a favorable recommendation from the AUA admissions officer who they interview with. For more information please see the health professions advisor.
B.A. or B.S./M.S. Molecular Imaging
Regis University
Assumption University and Regis University offer a B.A. in Biology or Biotechnology and Molecular Biology and a Master of Science in Molecular Imaging. To qualify for the two preferred admission seats within the graduate program, the student must complete the requirements of the science major, earn a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, earn a 3.2 or higher in the specified science perquisites, and earn a C or better in each prerequisite course. Those admitted are eligible for a GRE/MAT waiver and a waiver of the admissions fee. Please see Professor Steven Theroux for more information.
M.S. in Neuroscience
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
Assumption University is pleased to announce a new articulation agreement with Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). This Collaborative Accelerated Master’s Program in Neuroscience allows Assumption students (not restricted to neuroscience majors) to apply while still undergraduates. Application fees are waived by WPI. Accepted students can pursue a master’s degree in neuroscience at WPI in an accelerated time frame after completing their bachelor’s degree at Assumption. Currently enrolled Assumption undergraduates can earn graduate credit (up to 12 credits) towards a Master’s degree in Neuroscience at WPI by successfully completing a selected list of courses. These courses include undergraduate courses at Assumption and at WPI, in addition to a selected list of graduate level courses at WPI, at no additional cost beyond undergraduate Assumption tuition. This agreement allows Assumption undergraduates to complete a Master’s in Neuroscience at WPI in an accelerated manner, saving time and money.
Michele Lemons, Ph.D.
Professor of Biology
B.A or B.S./Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.)
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS)
MCPHS has agreed to provide at least three seats at their Manchester, NH, campus and three seats in their Worcester, MA, campus for qualified Assumption students who want to earn a second bachelor’s degree in nursing. This is a 16-month program, and to be eligible Assumption students must complete the specified prerequisites with a grade of C or better (with no repeats), earn an average GPA of 3.2 or higher in the required prerequisites, and obtain a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher. Please see the Health Professions Advisor for additional details and requirements.
B.A. or B.S./Master of Science in Occupational Therapy
Regis University
Assumption University and Regis University offer a program that leads to a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Biology from Assumption University and a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy from Regis University. There are two seats available for preferred admission within the graduate program, and to qualify for the seats, a student must complete a specified course of study, earn a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher, earn a GPA of 3.2 or higher in the science prerequisites, and earn a grade of B- or better in all of the science prerequisites taken at Assumption. For more information, please contact Professor Steven Theroux.
B.A. or B.S./Doctor of Optometry
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS)
MCPHS will provide 5 seats at the Worcester, MA campus for qualified Assumption students. To be eligible students must complete the prerequisites with a grade of C or Better (no repeats), have a GPA of 3.2 in the prerequisites and an overall GPA of 3.2.
Contact Professor Steve Theroux, the Health Professions Advisor, for more details
B.A. or B.S./Doctor of Optometry (O.D.)
New England College of Optometry
This accelerated, 7-year curriculum of undergraduate and professional education leads to a B.A in Biology from Assumption and a Doctor of Optometry (O.D.) degree from the N.E. College of Optometry. Typically, eight years of study are required to earn a degree in Optometry.
Assumption students can complete their general education requirements, all but two of their Biology major requirements, and their application to the New England College of Optometry graduate school after three years at Assumption.
The two courses the students will take at the New England College of Optometry and apply towards the Assumption University Biology major will be determined in consultation with the Health Professions Advisor, Professor Steven Theroux.
Upon completion of three years of specified course work (providing predetermined grade point average and OAT scores are met), students can apply to the N.E. College of Optometry.
Admission into the School of Optometry is not guaranteed.
After the successful completion of the first year at the College of Optometry, the student will earn a B.A. degree in Biology from Assumption.
After completion of the fourth year of professional study, the student will earn the Doctor of Optometry degree from the New England College of Optometry.
Students interested in this program should meet with Professor Steven Theroux, the Health Professions Advisor, early in their first year.
B.A. or B.S./Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCHPS)
MCPHS will provide 2 seats at the Manchester, NH campus and 5 seats at the Worcester, MA campus for qualified Assumption students who want to enter a doctoral program in Pharmacy.
The Pharm.D program can be completed in 34 months, following graduation from Assumption University with a B.A. degree.
To be eligible for admission into the program, students must complete the prerequisites with a grade of C or better (no repeats), have a GPA of 3.4 in the prerequisites and an overall GPA of 3.4.
Contact Professor Steven Theroux, the Health Professions Advisor, for additional details and requirements.
B.A. or B.S./Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)
University of St. Joseph
The University of St. Joseph will annually accept a minimum of 2 qualified dual degree applicants from Assumption once those applicants have completed the first three years in the dual degree program.
B.A. or B.S./M.S in Allied Health Professions
Northeastern University
Northeastern University will waive the application fee and the GRE requirement for qualified Assumption University students interested in pursuing graduate degrees in pharmaceutical science, physician assistant studies, exercise physiology, school counseling, health informatics, and public health. To be eligible, students must earn a GPA of 3.2 or higher.
B.A. or B.S./Doctorate in Physical Therapy (DPT)
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS)
MCPHS provides 2 seats for qualified Assumption students at its Worcester campus.
The DPT program requires 32 months to complete.
To be eligible, students must complete all required prerequisite courses and earn a cumulative G.P.A. of 3.3 in the specified coursework. The student must also have an overall G.P.A. of 3.3
Contact Professor Steven Theroux, the Health Professions Advisor, for additional information about admission requirements
B.A. or B.S./Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies (M.S.P.A.S.)
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) has agreed to provide at least one seat at their Manchester, MA campus and one seat at their Worcester, MA campus for qualified Assumption students who want to earn a master’s degree in Physician Assistant Studies. This is a 24-month program, and to be eligible Assumption students must complete the prerequisites with a grade of C or better (with no repeats). They must also have a GPA of 3.4 or higher in the required prerequisites, an overall GPA of at least 3.4, and they must pass an interview at MCPHS. Please see the Health Professions Advisor for additional details and requirements.
B.A. or B.S./M.S in Allied Health Professions
Northeastern University
Northeastern University will waive the application fee and the GRE requirement for qualified Assumption University students interested in pursuing graduate degrees in pharmaceutical science, physician assistant studies, exercise physiology, school counseling, health informatics, and public health. To be eligible, students must earn a GPA of 3.2 or higher.
B.A. or B.S./Doctor of Podiatric Medicine
Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine
This is an accelerated 7-year curriculum of undergraduate and professional education leading to the B.A. in Biology from Assumption University and the Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (D.P.M.) degree from Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine.
Assumption students can complete their general education requirements, all but two of their major requirements, and their application to the podiatry school after three years at Assumption.
The two courses the students will take at Barry University and apply towards the Assumption University major will be determined in consultation with Professor Steven Theroux, the Health Professions Advisor.
Students apply to the program in their junior year at Assumption.
Admission to Barry is not guaranteed.
Once the student has successfully completed their first year at Barry University College of Podiatric Medicine, the student is eligible to graduate with a B.A. in Biology from Assumption University.
Contact Professor Steven Theroux for additional details and requirements.
Assumption University/Worcester State University Master of Public Administration & Policy (MPAP)
This is an accelerated 6-in-5 Master’s program. Normally, the completion of these two programs takes six years. The dual degree student combines four years of training in the liberal arts at Assumption University with one year of graduate instruction in public administration and policy at Worcester State University. This program provides students with an opportunity to pursue careers related to policymaking and analysis, including work as legislative aides, and municipal, regional and state policy and planning staff. To enter the graduate program of study, the student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher at the end of their junior year, as well as have completed or have in progress no less than 90 undergraduate credit hours. An introductory course in each economics, political science, and statistics must also be completed prior to admission. Once admitted into the graduate program at Worcester State University, the student is able to complete two graduate courses for dual-degree credit toward their undergraduate degree at Assumption University and their master’s degree at Worcester State University. For more information about the program and additional requirements for admission, contact Professor Angela Kaufman-Parks at
B.A. or B.S./Master of Science (M.S.) in Regulatory and Clinical Research Management
Regis University
Assumption University and Regis University offer a program that leads to a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Biology from Assumption University and a Master of Science in Regulatory and Clinical Research Management from Regis University. To qualify for the two preferred admission seats within the graduate program, a GRE/GMAT waiver, an admissions fee waiver, and a free graduate course prior to matriculation into the program, the student must earn a BA in Biology or Biotechnology and Molecular Biology from Assumption University and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. To matriculate into the graduate program the student must also obtain a satisfactory letter of recommendation from a faculty member in the Assumption University science department, and they must successfully complete an interview at Regis University. For more information, please contact Prof. Steven Theroux.
Experiential Learning
Assumption's Rome Campus
At Assumption's campus in Rome, Italy, the city and the country become your classroom through daily and weekend-long excursions throughout "the eternal city" and the Italian countryside. This unique study abroad experience will enrich your academic and cultural pursuits as you walk in the footsteps of emperors and gladiators then enjoy delectable Italian cuisine or perhaps a cappuccino after class in a local cafe. (Did you know that your financial aid follows you to Rome?)
Explore the Rome CampusLearn the Skills Employers Seek
The Assumption curriculum encourages scholarly and real-world experience. With hands-on research conducted alongside faculty mentors, students gain a depth of knowledge and skills that lead to professional success, and personal fulfillment.Study Abroad
At Assumption University, the world is your classroom. Students can study and explore abroad in over 50 places from Vienna to England, South Africa, and even our own campus in historic, yet modern, Rome, Italy. Assumption’s study abroad program offers culture, history, and a living classroom for all.Internships
Assumption starts planning for your future the day you arrive on campus. Our Career Development and Internship Center helps students secure exciting and fulfilling internships where you’ll apply knowledge obtained in the classroom in a professional setting, preparing for a future career or additional study. Assumption connects students to internship opportunities in corporations, government agencies, research hospitals, non-profit organizations, and more.
Alexander Casey
Engineering Science 2015
Assistant Project Manager, MGAC - Project, Cost & Construction Management Consulting
“Assumption prepared me for success in the 3:2 engineering program at Notre Dame. Not only was I given a solid understanding of the fundamentals of math and science, but my professors were extremely influential in my education. Assumption has given amazing opportunities along with all the tools necessary for success which guided me to where I am today.”

Fr. Dennis Gallagher, A.A.
Academic Partnerships
Vice President for Mission