Student Resources During the COVID-19 Situation
We appreciate students’ patience as we find our way forward together in these difficult days. We hope that all students and their families are healthy and following the guidelines of state and local government as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
At this moment in the academic life of the College, strong communication between faculty and students is essential to our ability to teach, to learn, and to complete the semester. Students should often check their email account for important messages.
If students do not hear from professors, or if the plan of action for a course is unclear, email the department chair.
Students experiencing difficulty with technology, or in need of a computer or internet access to get connected should contact, or call 508-767-7101 or 508-767-7656. Comcast and Charter Communications are now offering free access and installation to students for 60 days.
How Should Students Prepare for Temporary Remote Learning?
- Be Available During Regular Class Times. Faculty may be holding class virtually during regularly scheduled times by Zoom or other means. Participation in class activities depends on this availability. Don’t take a job or make other commitments now. The semester is not over!
- Create a Schedule and Manage Time Wisely. Structure days and time wisely, perhaps replicating the on-campus schedule. Plan to get up, get dressed and spend quality time at your computer. (1-2 hour durations with healthy breaks). Remember, remote learning requires students to put the time in for each course. So plan the day and this weekly schedule template as a guide to mapping out a daily routine. Use this semester at a glance for planning out the remainder of the semester. Create a schedule with listed deadlines, weekly readings times, study times, and paper preparation for each course.
- Create a Regular Study Space and Stay Organized. Set up a dedicated learning environment for studying. This could be in a bedroom, home office, the kitchen table, or a quiet corner of the family room. By completing work there repeatedly, students will establish a productive, organized routine. Students should:
- Have a high-speed internet connection.
- Have the required books, materials, and software for the course. Free online materials are available through the library.
- Have headphones for audio: important in shared spaces.
- Eliminate Distractions. From Netflix to social media to dishes piling up in the sink, students will be faced with many distractions that can easily derail studies. The best online students know how to lessen these distractions and set aside time to focus. Some might find that they can tune out a noisy home by listening to music. Others may need to find a quiet place, with the door shut to concentrate. Regardless of where students choose to work, turn off cell phones to avoid losing focus every time a text message or notification appears.
Have trouble resisting the temptation to check your email or surf the web? Download a website blocker. Using applications like Cold Turkey and Freedom can help eliminate distractions by blocking the apps or websites that tend to compete for your attention. - Get Help if Needed. If professors have not informed the class about office hour availability, e-mail to ask when those six hours a week will happen, and how. Make a tutoring appointment online for the Academic Support Center. Peer tutors are available remotely by phone, by Zoom or Google Docs. Learn how to make a an appointment with a tutor.
- Use the Library. Free Access to e-Books! Students should familiarize themselves with the Library’s extensive remote services.
- Be of Good Cheer. Staying positive will make everything easier. Better days are coming!
Is Student Accessibility Services still open?
Yes! Student Accessibility Services is still open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. All student appointments will be conducted via phone or virtually through Zoom until further notice.
If you have a question, concern or need to make an appointment, please email Julie LeBlanc at or Katie Kadamus.
If I am student with a disability and registered with Student Accessibility Services will I still receive my accommodations with the switch to remote online learning?
Yes, all students must receive accommodations where applicable. Faculty have been asked to make provisions to honor your accommodations as they switch to the remote online learning. If you have concerns, please reach out to your professors to ask specific questions about how your accommodations will be granted in the remote online learning format.
If you believe you are not receiving the accommodations that you have been granted through Student Accessibility Services please contact Julie LeBlanc.
I am registered with Student Accessibility Services and I anticipate barriers due to my disability with the switch to remote online learning. What should I do?
Please contact Julie LeBlanc. Please specifically state what you believe to be your barrier and how it will impact you with the switch to remote learning.
I am a student with a disability, and I am not registered with Student Accessibility Services but believe I will have barriers due to the switch to online learning? What should I do?
Please complete this form and you will be contacted by Student Accessibility Services.
The CDIC is staffed and prepared to support students.
Is the CDIC still open? How can I contact the CDIC?
The CDIC is still open! The CDIC’s resources and staff members are accessible to students virtually. Log into Handshake to schedule a Zoom appointment, upload resumes for review, and search for jobs/internships. Of course you can always contact us via email at with any additional questions.
Is the CDIC still meeting with students?
The CDIC is meeting with students virtually via Zoom. Schedule an appointment on or via email: Once you schedule a meeting with us, we will email you a Zoom link for your appointment.
Is the CDIC still holding Drop-in hours?
The CDIC is hosting drop-in hours from 10 am – 2 pm, Monday – Friday. Drop-ins are great for 10-minute resume/cover letter reviews, time-sensitive guidance related to a job offer, a quick LinkedIn profile review, or question regarding Handshake. Please use this link to access the Zoom Meeting for drop-ins. Please note that you can also schedule a 30-minute appointment Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm through Handshake.
What resources are available to me while I am not on campus?
All virtual resources are still available! Resources on CDIC Edge are accessible including resume and cover letter samples, thank you note guidelines, graduate school guide, the Focus 2 assessment, What Can I Do With This Major, job boards, and more. Handshake is still fully accessible to you for job and internship searches.
Are employers still hiring? How might the hiring process change?
It is up to each company to decide how to handle their hiring process. Be patient and understand all employers might not be able to hire new employees or schedule in-person interviews at this time. Employers still hiring may move to phone-screens, and virtual interviews via Skype, Zoom, etc. The CDIC can aid you in preparing for those types of interviews! Schedule an appointment for a mock interview via Handshake.
Are employers still hosting events?
The CDIC has canceled all in-person spring events and many employers have canceled in-person interviews. However, employers are still hosting online events. A list of these events can be found on Handshake.
How can I engage with employers?
You can still engage with employers via LinkedIn, Handshake, or email. Employers might be switching to remote services, therefore, by updating your LinkedIn and Handshake profiles, they will be able to gain a lot of information about your background and experiences without having to meet you in person.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the CDIC via email at Stay healthy and safe everyone!
According to Barnes & Noble, many publishers have made digital copies of textbooks available to students at no charge for the remainder of the semester. View a list of publishers that have made their textbooks available to students for free until May 25, 2020.
If the textbook you are searching for is not on the list, you may purchase one from the Bookstore and receive free shipping.
The Counseling Center staff is available by email and will call students to make appointments. Students may log into the Portal to access the counselor’s emails if they wish to be in contact with them directly. The student assistance program is also available 24/7 by phone at 1-800-386-7055, text at 741741 (text TALK) and online.
Is Student Accessibility Services still open?
Yes! Student Accessibility Services is still open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. All student appointments will be conducted via phone or virtually through Zoom until further notice.
If you have a question, concern or need to make an appointment, please email Julie LeBlanc at or Katie Kadamus.
If I am student with a disability and registered with Student Accessibility Services will I still receive my accommodations with the switch to remote online learning?
Yes, all students must receive accommodations where applicable. Faculty have been asked to make provisions to honor your accommodations as they switch to the remote online learning. If you have concerns, please reach out to your professors to ask specific questions about how your accommodations will be granted in the remote online learning format.
If you believe you are not receiving the accommodations that you have been granted through Student Accessibility Services please contact Julie LeBlanc.
I am registered with Student Accessibility Services and I anticipate barriers due to my disability with the switch to remote online learning. What should I do?
Please contact Julie LeBlanc. Please specifically state what you believe to be your barrier and how it will impact you with the switch to remote learning.
I am a student with a disability, and I am not registered with Student Accessibility Services but believe I will have barriers due to the switch to online learning? What should I do?
Please complete this form and you will be contacted by Student Accessibility Services.
The CDIC is staffed and prepared to support students.
Is the CDIC still open? How can I contact the CDIC?
The CDIC is still open! The CDIC’s resources and staff members are accessible to students virtually. Log into Handshake to schedule a Zoom appointment, upload resumes for review, and search for jobs/internships. Of course you can always contact us via email at with any additional questions.
Is the CDIC still meeting with students?
The CDIC is meeting with students virtually via Zoom. Schedule an appointment on or via email: Once you schedule a meeting with us, we will email you a Zoom link for your appointment.
Is the CDIC still holding Drop-in hours?
The CDIC is hosting drop-in hours from 10 am – 2 pm, Monday – Friday. Drop-ins are great for 10-minute resume/cover letter reviews, time-sensitive guidance related to a job offer, a quick LinkedIn profile review, or question regarding Handshake. Please use this link to access the Zoom Meeting for drop-ins. Please note that you can also schedule a 30-minute appointment Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm through Handshake.
What resources are available to me while I am not on campus?
All virtual resources are still available! Resources on CDIC Edge are accessible including resume and cover letter samples, thank you note guidelines, graduate school guide, the Focus 2 assessment, What Can I Do With This Major, job boards, and more. Handshake is still fully accessible to you for job and internship searches.
Are employers still hiring? How might the hiring process change?
It is up to each company to decide how to handle their hiring process. Be patient and understand all employers might not be able to hire new employees or schedule in-person interviews at this time. Employers still hiring may move to phone-screens, and virtual interviews via Skype, Zoom, etc. The CDIC can aid you in preparing for those types of interviews! Schedule an appointment for a mock interview via Handshake.
Are employers still hosting events?
The CDIC has canceled all in-person spring events and many employers have canceled in-person interviews. However, employers are still hosting online events. A list of these events can be found on Handshake.
How can I engage with employers?
You can still engage with employers via LinkedIn, Handshake, or email. Employers might be switching to remote services, therefore, by updating your LinkedIn and Handshake profiles, they will be able to gain a lot of information about your background and experiences without having to meet you in person.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the CDIC via email at Stay healthy and safe everyone!
According to Barnes & Noble, many publishers have made digital copies of textbooks available to students at no charge for the remainder of the semester. View a list of publishers that have made their textbooks available to students for free until May 25, 2020.
If the textbook you are searching for is not on the list, you may purchase one from the Bookstore and receive free shipping.
The Counseling Center staff is available by email and will call students to make appointments. Students may log into the Portal to access the counselor’s emails if they wish to be in contact with them directly. The student assistance program is also available 24/7 by phone at 1-800-386-7055, text at 741741 (text TALK) and online.