Michelle A. Graveline, D.M.A.

Interim Dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

508-767-7550 Founders Hall - Room 101

Degrees Earned

B.Mus., Boston University, 1974
M.S.M., Boston University, 1976
D.M.A, University of Michigan, 1982

Undergraduate Courses Taught

Women In Music
Music Theory

Publications & Editorships

Graveline, Michelle. “A Study on the Question of Inserting Cadenzas in the Organ Works of J.S. Bach.” Fetschrift edition honoring the 50th anniversary of Prof. Marilyn Mason.

Graveline, Michelle. “Two From One: The Organs At Edward Searles’ Pine Lodge Estate.” Journal of the Organ Historical Society, (1984).

Graveline, Michelle. “The Cadenza Question: A Discussion.” Journal of the Organ Historical Society, (1982).