The Princeton Review Ranks Assumption One of the “Best 382 Colleges” & “2018 Best Colleges” in the Northeast

Assumption is one of the nation’s best institutions for undergraduate education, according to The Princeton Review. For the fourth consecutive year, Assumption has been included in The Princeton Review’s annual “Best 382 Colleges” publication. The nationally recognized education services company also ranked Assumption one of the “2018 Best Colleges: Region by Region” for the Northeast region.
“We chose Assumption for this book because it offers outstanding academics,” said Robert Franek, Princeton Review’s editor-in-chief and author of “The Best 382 Colleges.” “Our selections are primarily based on our surveys of administrators at several hundred four-year colleges. We also visit dozens of colleges each year and give considerable weight to opinions of our staff and our 24-member National College Counselor Advisory Board. Most importantly, we look at valuable feedback we get from each school’s customers – our surveys of students attending them. We also keep a wide representation of colleges in the book by region, size, selectivity and character.”
According to the editors of the “Best 382 Colleges” 2018 edition, “The Princeton Review does not rank the colleges from 1 to 382 in any category. Instead, the lists in this edition are entirely based on The Princeton Review’s survey of 137,000 students attending the colleges. The 80-question survey asks students to rate their schools on several topics and report on their campus experiences at them. Topics range from their assessments of their professors as teachers to opinions about their school’s career services.”
In this year’s profile, The Princeton Review recognized Assumption as a “’very welcoming and inclusive institution’ that focuses on giving its students every resource possible to help them succeed and be happy,” including tutoring, career assistance and campus jobs. One student said, “the guidance counselors, teachers, [and] coaches are truly a blessing to have at this college.” The Princeton Review includes another quote from a student stating that overall, Assumption “helps foster well-rounded, creative, intelligent, and caring young adults to be successful and morally sound in their future endeavors.”
Students remarked that in regards to student life, it is “easy to meet new people” and that “there is a great sense of belonging” on the Assumption campus. The Princeton Review includes more student quotes about the “beautiful, diverse and secured campus” in which there is always an activity going on, and students are “very invested in academics, sports, extracurricular, and social experiences.” In the Survey Says sidebar, the statements most used to describe Assumption were: “intramural sports are popular”; “students are happy”; “lab facilities are great”; and “great library.”
In addition to the lab facilities and the library, The Princeton Review also included student responses with regard to the faculty who “love what they do and it is obvious in the classroom,” which makes learning “interesting and enjoyable.” Professors where called “beyond helpful,” “engaging,” and “approachable.”