Kristen White Named Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students

On May 8, Assumption University President Greg Weiner announced that Kristen White has been appointed Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students.
“As Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, I get to work with many different students and colleagues to improve the student experience on campus,” said White. “I love hearing from students and putting their ideas into action. Pierre’s Pub and Lounge has become a favorite space for students since its opening in February and is a perfect example of what can be accomplished when students, staff, and administrators work together.”
White joined Assumption in 2022 as the Director of Residential Life, and brought with her extensive experience in student affairs, including in residential life and housing matters, student conduct, academic coaching, and new student orientation. She has also served as Interim Vice President for Student Affairs since January 2024.
She received a B.A. in psychology from Merrimack College in 2009 and a Master of Science in College Student Personnel Administration from Canisius College in 2013. In her role as Vice President and Dean of Students, White will continue to oversee Health Services, Counseling Services, the Plourde Recreation Center, Residential Life, Summer Orientation, and the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement.
“Kristen is fulfilling the commitment I made the first day I was appointed Interim President: to treat students like adults, to empower them, to urge them to challenge us, and to challenge them in turn,” Weiner said in a message to the community. “She has shown a clear-eyed commitment to our students – and to creating a culture in Student Affairs that embraces active listening, innovation, and education.”
“When I realized as a college student that I wanted to work in Student Affairs, I knew becoming a VPSA was a goal,” said White. “A big thank you goes to the whole Assumption community for their support and, specifically, to President Weiner for this opportunity. I can’t wait to continue working with our students when they return in the fall!”