How Assumption Prepared Lazzaro ’23 to Grow a Business, Launch a Public Service Career

Though just 19-years-old, Nick Lazzaro ’23 is ready to change the world, beginning with his hometown of Millbury. Last week, Lazzaro, who is studying economics and history and enrolled in the pre-law program at Assumption, became the youngest public official in Millbury after winning a seat on the town’s school committee.
“I have a passion for advocacy,” said Lazzaro. “I have always advocated for students and improving educational experiences in the district, and I want to continue the work I have started.”
Lazzaro—who served as a student representative on the Millbury School Committee for three years, beginning at age 16 until his 2018 graduation from Millbury High School, which allowed him to sit on the board, learning and observing—has been surrounded by politics since he was young; his father was an elected official in Worcester and ran for city council and the Massachusetts State Senate. “I had a great admiration for his charisma and caring nature for the community at large, which inspired me to pursue this,” he said.
Lazzaro’s desire to advocate and stand up for others is something he believes stems from his background as an Eagle Scout. “As an Eagle Scout, you are taught that when you see something wrong, you speak up and help,” he explained.
During his time as an Eagle Scout in Troop 110, Lazzaro helped renovate a community room at his local church, which created a place for various groups, such as the Boy Scouts, church choir, and Girl Scouts to have a clean, new space to carry out their work. In addition, he spearheaded a campaign for the local chapter of the National Honors Society that raised $1,500 for underprivileged children in the Millbury area, and has volunteered for Easterseals Massachusetts, working at various events and advocating for individuals with disabilities. Because of his dedication to community service, Lazzaro was awarded a Light the Way scholarship from Assumption, which recognizes students who utilize their abilities to help others and make a meaningful difference in the world.
The Light the Way Scholarship was one of the reasons Lazzaro attended Assumption. “I chose Assumption because Assumption valued me,” he said. “I was awarded scholarships and awards for my efforts outside of academia, which spoke to me that this institution valued the individual student.”
He also appreciates Assumption’s individualized curriculum. “It is truly a people-oriented education that thrives off of real-world applications,” he said. “It has truly influenced the way I navigate the world of adults through my business and my new career in politics.”
Last August, Lazzaro started his own business, Nick’s On-Site Detailing, which has flourished as he applies the concepts learned in the Assumption classroom and the advice of several professors. “It was something I was good at and had extreme demand,” he explained, adding that he would detail various residents’ cars after and in between classes, often showing up for class with greasy hands or wet shoes. “I ran my business throughout the entire school year. I would detail in the mid-afternoon into the evening, and return to campus to study. I really do not think this business would be as successful as it was if I did not have the support and guidance of my professors such as Professor (Libby) O’Hara, Professor (Megan) Hill, and Professor (Bryan) Coleman. I would e-mail questions and I would ask them for their opinions about various problems I would experience. I was always welcomed with amazing feedback and guidance.”
Lazzaro is using the profits of his business to save for law school. He hopes to become a criminal defense or civil rights attorney and open his own law firm one day. In the meantime, Lazzaro is ready to tackle important issues facing the school committee during his two-year. “My primary goal is to speak out for emerging groups of students and families who have felt they do not have a voice at the table,” he said. “I have been very vocal about social justice issues that have afflicted the lives of thousands of students.”
Lazzaro’s first official school committee meeting is July 8. You may follow Lazzaro’s public service endeavors on his Facebook page, or read the recent SpectrumNews1 and Millbury-Sutton Chronicle stories on his election and political ambitions.