Assumption University Receives Grant for GenCyber “Gateway to Cyber” Cybersecurity Camp

The Assumption University Center for Cybersecurity has announced it has received a grant from the National Security Agency (NSA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) to enable the University to host its first GenCyber “Gateway to Cyber” Cybersecurity camp for high school students in the summer of 2024. The camp will be held in-person on Assumption’s campus from July 15-19.
The camp aims to inspire students to learn about cybersecurity through fun and engaging activities, guest lectures, and exercises. Each of the components of the camp will be facilitated by Assumption University faculty, along with undergraduate cybersecurity students from Assumption as mentors for the campers. The camp also includes pre- and post-camp opportunities for students to connect with Assumption faculty, students, and those working in cybersecurity as they continue their academic pursuits.
“This is a great opportunity for students of all backgrounds to explore and deepen their understanding of cybersecurity to protect themselves and others for the common good,” said cybersecurity instructor and camp coordinator Dr. Raymond Albert. “It will also introduce them to the wide variety of in-demand cybersecurity career options and inspire the next generation of cybersecurity professionals in service to humanity.”
Students who take part in the camp will learn about multiple topics that are prevalent in cybersecurity and be able to apply their knowledge both in the field and in terms of everyday security situations. Students will also learn about possible futures in cybersecurity, including higher education programs and what careers are available to them in the field.
High school students entering grades 10-12 in Massachusetts are eligible to apply for the camp, which is free to all participants thanks to funding from the National Security Agency and the National Science Foundation. Only 40 spots are available for the camp, and priority will be given to applications from students who are part of groups that have historically been underrepresented in cybersecurity, such as minority communities and women. No previous cybersecurity experience is required to apply. The online application form for the camp can be found here, along with more details about the camp and the application process.
For further information, please contact Cybersecurity Program Director and Professor of Practice Raymond Albert at (508) 767-7594 or