Assumption Announces Rome Campus

Assumption President Francesco Cesareo signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Italy on March 7 with the Augustinians of the Assumption to establish a Rome campus, with classes to begin in spring 2013.
The agreement is the culmination of three years of exploration and discussions to establish a campus in Rome as a way of enhancing the educational opportunities for Assumption students. Full-time Assumption faculty will live in Rome and use the Italian capital as a living classroom, offering on-site lectures throughout the city.
“This is an exciting initiative that will contribute to Assumption’s distinctiveness in the region, as well as enhance our reputation for academic excellence,” said President Cesareo.
The program will be located in a building on the property of the General House of the Assumptionists, which is near the Vatican; building renovation plans are underway.
The signing ceremony was attended by Massachusetts-based Assumption students, faculty and staff, as well as the Assumptionist community in Rome, and Fr. Benoit Griere, A.A., Superior General of the Assumptionists.
“I want to thank Assumption Provost Francis Lazarus and the Assumptionist leadership in Rome for their dedication, hard work and persistence in making this campus possible,” added President Cesareo.