Domenic Esposito | Amplifying Your Voice with Art

HumanArts Event: Domenic Esposito, artist and social activist | Amplifying Your Voice with Art
Domenic Esposito is an artist and social activist, who’s work reflects the forces that haunt our society, our community, our families and loved ones. Struggles, that can be felt and experienced by all, infused by subjects like rawness of addiction, mental illness, isolation, despair, social injustice…and importantly, hope and faith in our shared future.
In 2018, he achieved international attention through his sculptural execution of massive opioid spoon placed on the doorsteps of major pharmaceutical giants. Domenic went on to establish the Opioid Spoon Project, a 501(c)(3) that continues to serve as a solution-based platform for those affected by opioid /fentanyl crisis. The lecture will delve into Domenic’s journey as an on the ground activist and how he used art to reach a new audience.
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