Christian H. Gobel, Ph.D

Professor of Philosophy

D’Alzon Chair

Director, Ecumenical Institute

508-767-7548 Founders Hall - Room 303

Degrees Earned

Ph.D. (Theology), Leiden University, 2012
Ph.D. (Philosophy), Sant’Anselmo, 2001
M.Phil., Cambridge University, 2000
Ph.L., Pontifical University of Sant’Anselmo (Rome), 1999
B.A., Munich School of Philosophy, 1997

Undergraduate Courses Taught

Introduction to Philosophy
God and the Philosophers
Philosophy as a Way of Life
Existentialist Thought
Augustine and Aquinas
Hellenistic Philosophy
Anselm of Canterbury
Augustine Seminar
Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies

Recent Publications (Selection)

“Soldatische Tugenden: die Stoa als Philosophie des Militärs [Military Virtues: Stoicism as a Philosophy for the Military]” in Philosophie des Militärs [Philosophy of the Military], ed. M. Elbe. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2020 (25pp.) in print

“Similis Deo or Cum Deo Esse? On Happiness and the Convergence of Proto-Kantian and Aristotelian (as well as Augustinian) Motives in Anselm’s Analysis of Moral Choice,” in Anselm of Canterbury: Nature, Order and the Divine, ed. G. Gasper, I. Logan. Leiden: Brill, 2021 forthcoming

“Aristoteles in West Point. Charakterbildung in der US Army und Innere Führung [Aristotle at West Point. Character Education in the US Army and the German Leadership Philosophy of Innere Führung].” Militärseelsorge 56 (2019), 131-153

Frankfurt and Beyond. Hierarchical Readings of Anselm’s Analysis of Moral Choice, With a New Test Case for his Concept of Freedom.” The Saint Anselm Journal 14 (2018), 33-91

Glücksgarant Bundeswehr? Ethische Schlaglichter auf einige neuere Studien des ZMSBw im Kontext von Sinn und Glück des Soldatenberufs, Innerer Führung und Einsatz-Ethos. [Can the Armed Forces Guarantee Happiness? Ethical Reflections on Some Recent ZMSBw Studies; on the Meaning and Happiness of the Military Profession; on Innere Führung; and on the Ethics of International Missions]. Berlin: Miles, 2016, pp. 100

Philosophie und Ökumene. Überlegungen zur Logik des Christentums im Ausgang von Anselm von Canterbury. [Philosophy and Ecumenism. Anselm of Canterbury and the Logic of Christianity]. München: Utz, 2015 (Münchner Theologische Beiträge, vol. 16), pp. 264

“Bildungs-Gang. Bildung in F.C. Delius‘ Erzählung «Bildnis der Mutter als junge Frau» [The Path of Education. Education in F.C. Delius‘ Novel «Portrait of the Mother as a Young Woman»].” Tà katoptrizómena: Magazin für Kunst, Kultur, Theologie, Ästhetik, iss. 93 (2015)

“De- and Rehumanizing the Other. Philosophical Foundations for Military Ethics and Peace Building in the Armed Forces.” Journal for the Study of Peace and Conflict (2014), 100-123

In preparation:

(Editor, with A. Dörfler-Dierken) Was soll ich tun? Persönlichkeit und Verantwortung im Militär [What should I do? Personality and Responsibility in the Military]. Berlin: Miles, 2021, ca. pp. 300

“Strategic Sergeants or Soul-Beings? On Military Virtues and the Moral Education of Soldiers,” in The Human Soul, ed. P. Cicovacki. Wilmington: Vernon Press, 2021

For a complete list of publications, see downloadable CV.