Mar 19, 2019

Travel Tuesday: Mia Rapoza ’20

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Meet Mia Rapoza, ’20, a biology major with a concentration in neuroscience. Mia is spending her spring 2019 semester studying abroad in Australia’s Gold Coast. “I decided to study abroad because I started to realize that this is the most fitting time of my life where I can experience traveling alone while being a student. I couldn’t think of anything more fulfilling than that. I picked Australia because I will be taking a Zoology and Coastal Environments course as part of my major requirements and I thought that Australia would be the perfect place for this. I also can’t wait to play on some Australian golf courses.” Mia felt driven to experience a different level of independence and a global mindset. Living in a small Massachusetts town for most of her life, she has always been intrigued by expanding out of her comfort zone and living abroad. “I am so excited to meet people from all over the world and experience the Australian culture. I have heard a variety of positive experiences from students that have studied abroad to many different places and I thought that I would be ignoring an amazing opportunity to not listen to their advice and take the leap to begin exploring the world through the eyes of a young adult and student.”


Assumption’s Study Abroad Programs