Des Moines Register Showcases Assumption Research
Paul M. Piwko, visiting assistant professor of accounting, recently penned an opinion-editorial piece that was published in the Des Moines Register.
The op-ed explores research that Prof. Piwko and Alexandra Orlandi ’19 conducted on investigating exhibits about mental health and developing a business model to develop a museum dedicated to mental health. In November, their business model for a virtual National Museum of Mental Health was presented at the New England Psychological Association.
Prof. Piwko taught at Assumption from 2012-2015 and rejoined the faculty in 2017. He previously taught at Framingham State University, UMass Lowell, and Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology. He is a Certified Management Accountant and previously held several different management positions in business and finance for Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. Prof. Piwko holds a bachelor’s degree from UMass Amherst, and MBA from Nichols College, and an executive education from University of Michigan.
Read the piece here.