Assumption Named a Top University by Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education

For the fifth consecutive year, Assumption University has been recognized in the top half of The Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education (WSJ/THE) rankings for 2022.
Once again, of the four pillars WSJ/THE use to rank the institutions of higher education on their prestigious list, Assumption ranked highest for its impressive outcomes. According to the WSJ/THE, metrics used to determine an outcome score include graduation rate, value added to graduate salary, and academic reputation. A strong showing in the outcomes pillar demonstrates that an Assumption education adds value to those students who attend.
According to the WSJ/THE, the organization uses 15 performance metrics under four pillars—Resources, Engagement, Outcomes, and Environment. These rankings are structured to help students choose a university based on what matters most to them and “designed to put graduate success and student learning at its heart.”