Launching the Assumption Moonshot

An email message sent to the campus community on February 14, 2024:

Dear Assumption Community,

This past weekend, Assumption’s Board of Trustees unanimously and enthusiastically approved Thrive: Assumption University, 2024-2034. 

With a confident horizon of 10 years, our stake is in the ground: We believe in the enduring relevance of an Assumption education. We believe in our students. And we believe in each other.

The goals of the plan, as you know, are bold. That begins with bold confidence and a bold outlook. It means that the more difficult a goal may seem, the more eagerly we should embrace it together. It means we need to change our culture—ourselves, our departments, our relationships with colleagues—in the most fundamental way: The question facing Assumption is no longer what we can’t do. The question is what we can achieve together.

The first step in achieving bold goals is setting them. This community did that together. I am grateful to you for that. Our trustees were particularly impressed with the number of ideas that came directly from community members.

Now the hardest work begins. We will assemble implementation teams soon. Meanwhile, please take a moment to celebrate how much of an accomplishment the plan itself is. To each member of the community, thank you for your efforts—now and in the future—to help make Assumption thrive.


Greg Weiner, Ph.D.