Commemorating Martin Luther King Jr. Day
An email message sent to the campus community on January 15, 2024:
Dear Assumption Community,
In 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., delivered a sermon entitled “The Three Dimensions of a Complete Life,” during which Dr. King stated, “Oh, there will be a day, the question won’t be, ‘How many awards did you get in life?’ Not that day…The question that day will not be, ‘what kind of automobile did you have?’ On that day the question will be, ‘What did you do for others?’” As we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King today, we must ask ourselves that very question.
Here at Assumption, our work is rooted in the teachings of the Augustinians of the Assumption and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition. These teachings inform us that we are all created in the image and likeness of God and that we must protect, promote, and celebrate the human dignity of every person. Our mission of service forms our graduates into people who are known for their intellectual seriousness, thoughtful citizenship, and devotion to the common good. It is also through our mission that we pursue truth in the company of friends, which cannot be done without the active and deliberate inclusion of diverse people and points of view.
Let us ponder the messages Dr. King shared in his famous “I Have a Dream” address, to read his speech click here. Today, we recommit ourselves to the dignity, equality, and inclusion of every member of the Assumption family.
May we all derive meaning and inspiration from this day.
Greg Weiner, Ph.D.