An aerial shot of the center of Assumption University's beautiful campus in the fall

Office of Integrated Marketing

Who We Are

The Office of Integrated Marketing is Assumption University’s central in-house marketing agency. Rooted in a passion for storytelling, we strive to promote and share the compelling stories that define the Assumption experience.

Through collaborating with the various organizations, groups, and individuals that make up our on-campus and global community, our mission is to strategically unify the Assumption brand, and promote the University’s identity as a welcoming and innovative institution. 

What We Do

  1. Marketing Communications Strategy and Implementation
  2. Brand Development and Management
  3. Social Media
  4. Media Relations
  5. Graphic Design
  6. Content Creation
  7. Photography and Videography
  8. Internal and External Communications
  9. Community Highlights
  10. Website Management
  11. Creative Direction
David Pepin
Digital Marketing Manager
Robert Davis
Marketing Content Creator
Wandzia Prytko
Marketing Coordinator
Olivia Boudreau
Public Relations Specialist
Patricia Shaffer
Director of Marketing for Enrollment Management